This repository features a full-stack application with a Spring Boot backend, React and Redux frontend, Material-UI styling, and PostgreSQL, containerized with Docker and deployed on Kubernetes. It includes a Minikube deployment setup with detailed instructions in the Kubernetes-minikube folder.
There are two parts to this repository which are as follows :
- Kubernetes deployment of full stack application using kubernetes minikube.
- For this navigate to folder
and follow the steps provided in it.
- For this navigate to folder
- Kubernetes deployment of full stack application using kubernetes EKS.
- Work in Progress
The dockerhub repositories used in this project for backend and frontend docker images are as follows :
Backend Docker Image repository :
Frontend Docker Image repository :
- Spring Boot - Spring Boot 2
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Docker - For containerization of application
- PostgreSQL - Database
- React - React
- Redux - Redux
- Material-Ui - Material-Ui
- Kubernetes - Kubernetes
If you have any improvement suggestions please create a pull request and I'll review it.
- Ankit Rajput - Initial work - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License