The project focuses on detection of arrival of a bus at a bus stop.
- Raspberry pi 2. Bluetooth Low energy (BLE) beacons 3. Speakers 4. LCD display
- Raspian 2. Python
- Rasperry Pi is installed at the bus stop, keeps scanning nearby beacons installed in the buses.
- Once a beacon is detected, bus details are fetched from the beacon.
- An acoustic classifier extracts an audio sample of 10 secs and determines the exact arrival of the bus.The classifier has been trained with different audio samples of the bus.
- Once the classifier pridicts the arrival of the bus, announcement of the bus details is made on the bus stop.
- A webpage in data_update_portal folder is used to update/view the database of the details of the bus such as the route, frequency of arrival.
- main_final_xyz is various versions of the main code running in raspberry pi.
- MP3 and Text files were used for speech synthesis purpose.
- acoustic model is implemented in acoustic folder.