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This machine learning initiative seeks to leverage the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classification algorithm to predict whether a Universal Bank will accept a personal loan offer.

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Universal Bank Loan Prediction: k-NN Model

This repository contains the machine learning project that employs k-NN classification to predict if a Universal Bank customer will accept a personal loan offer.

Table of Contents

  1. Submission Instructions
  2. Data Description
  3. Scenario
  4. Tasks

Submission Instructions

  • Answers should be written as text or comments within the R codes.
  • Compile R scripts to html/word/pdf for submission.
    • Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + K then select "html".
  • Submit the html file via Canvas before the deadline.

Data Description

  • Dataset: Universalbank.csv.
  • Contains data on 5000 bank customers.
  • Includes demographics, bank relationship details, and past loan campaign responses.
  • Key metric: Only 9.6% accepted the last personal loan offer.


Universal Bank seeks to convert its liability customers to personal loan customers. With a previous campaign seeing a 9% conversion rate, the bank aims to optimize its strategy using k-NN predictions for better-targeted campaigns.

"Do the right thing; and do it right." - Master Yeoda.


  1. Data Handling
    • Import and split data: 60% training and 40% validation. a. Check variable data types. b. Set up kNN with relevant variables.
  2. k-NN Modelling
    • Exclude ID and ZIP code predictors.
    • Factorize categorical variables.
    • Test with k values: 3, 5, and 7. Select the best k.
  3. Model Assessment
    • Predict on the validation set using optimal k. a. Visualize with an ROC curve. b. Gauge model efficacy.
  4. Sample Prediction
    • Predict loan acceptance for a specific customer profile provided.


This machine learning initiative seeks to leverage the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classification algorithm to predict whether a Universal Bank will accept a personal loan offer.







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