This is a collection of sample code for tutoring purposes
Create a GitHub account
Check to see if you have git by typing this command into your terminal:
git —-version
If you don't have it, download it from here: -
You can do one of the following:
- Fork this repository by clicking the button "Fork", then follow steps 4 and 5
- Follow steps 4 and 5 then remove the link between what you've downloaded and this repository by entering this command into the terminal:
git remove remote origin
and follow the steps in the Setting Up a Github Project file
In the terminal cd to where store this. Ex:
cd Desktop/Projects/MyFirstGit
Use the following command to clone this to you computer. The project link is located under "Clone or download". Note: use the link with "https" not "ssh" for our purposes. Ex:
git clone [LINK TO PROJECT]