This is a data analytics project for analyzing and studying the data collected by the Kaggle from its Data science survey conducted in 2017 to understand and explore various trends in Data science industry and how interested people are in this buzz word. The data set has tonnes of information and lots of variables.
The motivation behind this project was my own curiosity and my own interest to understand and study the trends in data science. It's just that I love exploring and communicating with data. This is my favorite and most important part of any data science project i.e to know your dataset well.
Link to the Dataset-
After the exploratory data analysis and knowledge extraction I have developed a shiny dashboard to summarize and plot the key findings and the most important information inferred from the data science survey about the participants and the data science industry from the analysis.
Link to the Shiny Web application developed in R-
Below are the links to the reports generated using Rmarkdown which consists various descriptive insights and analysis on different demographics from the survey.
1). Part-One-:
2). Part-two-:
3). Part-three-:
The app will explain the most salient and most unusual insights from the survey analysis.