Build an inventory tracking web application. Requirements:
- Basic CRUD Functionality:
- Create inventory items
- Edit Them
- Delete Them
- View a list of them
- Ability to create warehouses/locations and assign inventory to specific locations
- Run the App on Replit/Heroku
- JavaScript
- Nodejs
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB Atlas
- EJS View Engine
- Bootstrap
- Had used DeleteOne instead of findByIdAndDelete initially. This was leading to delete only the first item in the inventory list instead of the selected one.
- .env file issue with Replit: I have used MongoDB Atlas and enclosed the DATABASE_URL key in a .env file. Github auto ignores the .env file while uploading to repo. However, after importing the Github repo to Replit, I am getting a 'uri parameter should be string' error related to mongoose. I believe it's because replit seems to not have received the .env file at all. So, for the purposes of this project, I have added a secret env file directly in replit.
- Add Login/Register
- Add Search Function on home/all inventory page
- Add Inventory Dashboards on Home Page