Animatry is a modern JavaScript animation library for the web, designed to create performant and visually stunning animations with minimal effort.
Note: This is the beta version of Animatry. Some features are still experimental and may be subject to change.
Install Animatry with npm:
npm install animatry
Create your first animation
import { animatry } from 'animatry';'.box', { // Works with selectors, elements or arrays
x: 500, // 'px'
rotate: 45, // 'deg'
scale: '+=0.5', // Relative values
repeat: 5, // Animation repeats 5 times after the first play (6 times total)
alternate: true, // Reverse direction after each cycle
Create complex sequences using Timelines
import { animatry } from 'animatry';
const timeline = animatry.timeline({
ease: 'powerIn' // Ease the whole timeline
});'.box1', {
x: 500,
rotate: 45,
duration: 2,
onComplete: () => console.log('First animation completed.') // You can add callbacks
});'.box2', { // Starts after the previous animation is completed
x: '+=250',
opacity: 0,
Finetune animations with Keyframes
// Unit based'.box1', {
rotate: 45, // Animate properties outside of keyframes
duration: 2,
keyframes: {
x: [0, 500, 250, 750],
y: [0, 500, 0],
ease: 'bounceInOut', // Applies to the entire keyframes animation
easeEach: 'powerInOut' // Applies between individual keyframes
// Percentage based'.box2', {
rotate: 45,
duration: 2,
keyframes: {
'0%': { x: 500, rotate: '-20deg' },
'50%': { x: 250, ease: 'bounceInOut' }, // Define eases individually for every keyframe
'100%': { x: 750 },
ease: 'none', // Applies to the entire keyframes animation
easeEach: 'none' // Applies between individual keyframes
// Array based'.box3', {
rotate: 45,
duration: 2,
keyframes: [
{ x: 500, y: 300 },
{ scale: 1.5, ease: 'elasticOut' } // Define eases individually for every keyframe
There are a lot of Easing effects
'none' / 'linear' // No easing, constant speed
'powerIn' / 'powerOut' / 'powerInOut' // Specify intensity with 'powerIn(3)'
'steps(6)' // jumps 6 times
'bounceIn' / 'bounceOut' / 'bounceInOut'
'elasticIn' / 'elasticOut' / 'elasticInOut' // Specify frequency with 'elasticIn(3)'
'backIn' / 'backOut' / 'backInOut' // Specify magnitude with 'backIn(2)'
'cubic-bezier(a, b, c, d)' // You can use default CSS bezier curves.
You can also define custom easing functions. Simply create a function that takes an input value between 0 and 1 and returns a transformed value between 0 and 1. This allows you to fully control the easing behavior.
There is already a split-text plugin included
import { animatry, splitText } from 'animatry';
// You can use 'chars', 'words', 'lines' or even combinations like 'chars words'.
animatry.from(splitText('p', 'chars').chars, {
y: '100%', // Move the letter down by its own height
opacity: 0,
stagger: {
duration: 0.5 // The stagger of all letters takes 0.5 seconds.
More plugins are in development — stay tuned for updates!