We would show how to do unit testing for angular applications
- Please use the following command for running the unit tests.
karma start karma.config.js
- describe Groups a number of related tests (this is optional, but it helps organize test code)
- beforeEach Executes a function before each test (this is often used for the arrange part of a test)
- it Executes a function to form a test (the act part of the test)
- expect Identifies the result from the test (part of the assert stage)
- toEqual Compares the result from the test to the expected value (the other part of the assert)
- expect(x).toEqual(val) Asserts that x has the same value as val (but not necessarily the same object)
- expect(x).toBe(obj) Asserts that x and obj are the same object
- expect(x).toMatch(regexp) Asserts that x matches the specified regular expression
- expect(x).toBeDefined() Asserts that x has been defined
- expect(x).toBeUndefined() Asserts that x has not been defined
- expect(x).toBeNull() Asserts that x is null
- expect(x).toBeTruthy() Asserts that x is true or evaluates to true
- expect(x).toBeFalsy() Asserts that x is false or evaluates to false
- expect(x).toContain(y) Asserts that x is a string that contains y
- expect(x).toBeGreaterThan(y) Asserts that x is greater than y
- angular.mock Used to create mock modules and resolve dependencies.
- $exceptionHandler A mock implementation of the $exceptionHandler service that rethrows the exceptions it receives.
- $interval A mock implementation of the $interval service that allows time to be moved forward to trigger scheduled functions on demand. See the “Mocking Periods of Time” section.
- $log A mock implementation of the $log service that exposes the messages it receives through a set of properties, one for each of the methods defined by the real service. See the “Testing Logging” section.
- $timeout A mock implementation of the $timeout service that allows the timer to be expired programmatically so that the associated function executed on demand. See the “Mocking Periods of Time” section.
- module(name) Loads the specified module. See the "Arranging the Test" section.
- inject(fn) Resolves dependencies and injects them into a function.
- dump(object) Serializes an AngularJS object.
- $rootScope.new() Creates a new scope
- $controller(name) Creates an instance of the specified controller
- $filter(name) Creates an instance of the specified filter
The mock $httpBackend service provides an API that matches requests made through the $http service to canned results and to control when those canned results are sent.
- expect(method, url, data, headers) Defines an expectation for a request that matches the method and URL (with optional data and header matches)
- flush() flush(count) Sends back pending results (or the specified number of responses if the optional argument is used)
- resetExpectations() Resets the set of expectations
- verifyNoOutstandingExpectation() Checks that all of the expected requests have been received
- respond(data) response(status, data, headers) Defines a response for an expected request.
- Define the requests that you expect to get and the responses for them.
- Send the responses.
- Check that all of the expected requests were made.
- Evaluate the results.
- $timeout->flush(millis) Advances the timer by the specified number of milliseconds
- $timeout->verifyNoPendingTasks() Checks to see whether there are callbacks that have yet to be invoked
- $interval->flush(millis) Advances the timer by the specified number of milliseconds
The mock $log service keeps track of the log messages it receives and presents them through a logs property that is added to the real service method names: log.logs, debug.logs, warn.logs, and so on.
- assertEmpty() Throws an exception if any logging messages have been written
- reset() Clears the stored messages.
- Sample application with controller, directive, filter and service
- Simple Jasmine test
- Testing an Angular Controller
- Testing an Angular Directive
- Testing an Angular Filter
- Testing an Angular Service
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