A clone of Apple's landing page layout as of July 2020 to practice Sass language (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
No copyright infringement intended
The Sass organizing structure that we used was heavily based on SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) methodology
┣ base
┃ ┣ _base.scss
┃ ┣ _mixins.scss
┃ ┗ _variables.scss
┣ layout
┃ ┗ _layout.scss
┣ module
┃ ┣ _covid.scss
┃ ┣ _featured-1.scss
┃ ┣ _featured-2.scss
┃ ┣ _footer-extras.scss
┃ ┣ _footer-nav.scss
┃ ┣ _footnotes.scss
┃ ┣ _hero.scss
┃ ┣ _navbar.scss
┃ ┣ _ribbon.scss
┃ ┣ _unit-1.scss
┃ ┣ _unit-2.scss
┃ ┣ _unit-3.scss
┃ ┣ _unit-4.scss
┃ ┣ _unit-5.scss
┃ ┗ _unit-6.scss
┗ main.scss
- Sass in pratice
- Combined SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) and SASS.
- Github's workflow in a team
- Clean coding
- Anh Tung Bui (Team Lead)
- Rasel Hasan
- Mykhailo Riabokliach