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chore: temporarily disable route generation
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Brocco committed Jun 3, 2016
1 parent 9a7bfe0 commit 109ffed
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Showing 3 changed files with 6 additions and 382 deletions.
382 changes: 3 additions & 379 deletions addon/ng2/blueprints/route/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,383 +1,7 @@
'use strict';

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const dynamicPathParser = require('../../utilities/dynamic-path-parser');
const stringUtils = require('ember-cli-string-utils');
const Blueprint = require('ember-cli/lib/models/blueprint');

function _regexEscape(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');

function _insertImport(content, symbolName, fileName) {
// Check if an import from the same file is there.
const importRegex = new RegExp('' +
/^(import\s+\{)/.source + // 1. prefix
/(.*?)/.source + // 2. current imports
`(\\} from '${_regexEscape(fileName)}';)` + // 3. suffix
'\\n', 'm'

const m = content.match(importRegex);
if (m) {
// console.log(m[2], symbolName, m[2].);
if (m[2].match(new RegExp(`\\b${_regexEscape(symbolName)}\\b`))) {
// Already in the symbol list.
return content;

return content.substr(0, m.index) + m[1] + m[2] + ', ' + symbolName + m[3] + '\n'
+ content.substr(m.index + m[0].length);

const importTemplate = `import { ${symbolName} } from '${fileName}';`;
// Find the last import and add an import to it.
content = content.replace(/(import.+)\n(?!import)/m, function (f, m1) {
return `${m1}\n${importTemplate}\n`;

return content;

function _removeImport(content, symbolName, fileName) {
const importRegex = new RegExp('' +
/^(import\s+\{)/.source + // prefix
/(.*?),?/.source + // symbolsPre
'\\b' + _regexEscape(symbolName) + '\\b' + // symbol
',?' + '(.*?)' + // symbolsPost
`(} from '${_regexEscape(fileName)}'\\s*;)` + // suffix
'\\n', 'm'

return content.replace(importRegex, function(_, prefix, symbolsPre, symbol, symbolsPost, suffix) {
if (symbolsPre == '' && symbolsPost == '') {
// Nothing before or after, remove the line.
return '';
if (symbolsPre == '') {
// Nothing before.
return prefix + symbolsPost + suffix;
if (symbolsPost == '') {
// Nothing after.
return prefix + symbolsPre + suffix;
// Something before and after, add a `,`.
return prefix + symbolsPre + ',' + symbolsPost + suffix;

function _addRoutes(content) {
// If an annotation is already there, just ignore this.
if (content.indexOf('@Routes') !== -1) {
return content;

// Add the imports.
content = _insertImport(content, 'Routes', '@angular/router');
content = _insertImport(content, 'ROUTER_DIRECTIVES', '@angular/router');

// Add the router config.
const m = content.match(/(@Component\(\{[\s\S\n]*?}\)\n)(\s*export class)/m);
if (!m) {
// No component.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn('No component annotation was found...');
return content;

content = content.substr(0, m.index) + m[1] + '@Routes([\n])\n'
+ m[2] + content.substr(m.index + m[0].length);

return content;

module.exports = {
description: 'Generates a route and a template.',

availableOptions: [
{ name: 'skip-router-generation', type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['srg'] },
{ name: 'default', type: Boolean, default: false },
{ name: 'lazy', type: Boolean, default: true },
{ name: 'inline-template', type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['it'] },
{ name: 'inline-style', type: Boolean, default: false, aliases: ['is'] },
{ name: 'prefix', type: Boolean, default: true },
{ name: 'path', type: String }

beforeInstall: function(options) {
options.route = true;
if (options.lazy) {
options.isLazyRoute = true;
return Blueprint.load(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'component')).install(options);

afterInstall: function (options) {
if (options.dryRun || options.skipRouterGeneration) {


afterUninstall: function (options) {

normalizeEntityName: function (entityName) {
var parsedPath = dynamicPathParser(this.project, entityName);

// If a specified route starts with `+` remove it as it'd break convention.
if ([0] === '+') {
var index = entityName.lastIndexOf(;
entityName = entityName.substr(0, index) + entityName.substr(index + 1);

this.dynamicPath = parsedPath;

//leave the entity name intact for component generation
return entityName;

locals: function () {
return {
dynamicPath: this.dynamicPath.dir.replace(this.dynamicPath.appRoot, '')

fileMapTokens: function (options) {
// Return custom template variables here.
return {
__path__: () => {
var dir = this.dynamicPath.dir;
if (!options.locals.flat) {
dir += path.sep + options.dasherizedModuleName;
return dir;

_findParentRouteFile: function(dir) {
const parentDir = path.isAbsolute(dir) ? dir : path.join(this.project.root, dir);
// Remove the `+` if it's the first character.
const routeName = path.basename(dir).substr(path.basename(dir)[0] == '+' ? 1 : 0);
let parentFile = path.join(parentDir, `${routeName}.component.ts`);

if (parentDir == path.join(this.project.root, this.dynamicPath.appRoot)) {
parentFile = path.join(parentDir, + '.component.ts');

if (fs.existsSync(parentFile)) {
return parentFile;

// Try without the .component. Old routes won't have it, or users might rename it.
parentFile = path.join(parentDir, `${path.basename(dir)}.ts`);
if (fs.existsSync(parentFile)) {
return parentFile;

return null;

_removeRouteFromParent: function(options) {
const parsedPath = this.dynamicPath;
const parentFile = this._findParentRouteFile(this.dynamicPath.dir);
if (!parentFile) {

const jsComponentName = stringUtils.classify(;
const base = parsedPath.base;

let content = fs.readFileSync(parentFile, 'utf-8');
content = _removeImport(content, `${jsComponentName}Component`,
`./${options.isLazyRoute ? '+' : ''}${base}`);

const route = new RegExp(`^\\s*\\{.*name: '${jsComponentName}'.*component: ${jsComponentName}.*`
+ '\\},?\\s*\\n?', 'm');
content = content.replace(route, '');

fs.writeFileSync(parentFile, content, 'utf-8');

_addRouteToParent: function(options) {
const parsedPath = this.dynamicPath;
const parentFile = this._findParentRouteFile(this.dynamicPath.dir);
if (!parentFile) {

let isAppComponent = false;
let appComponentFile =
this.dynamicPath.dir, + '.component.ts');
if (parentFile == appComponentFile) {
isAppComponent = true;

const jsComponentName = stringUtils.classify(;
const base = parsedPath.base;

// Insert the import statement.
let content = fs.readFileSync(parentFile, 'utf-8');
let lazyRoutePrefix = '+';
if (this.project.ngConfig &&
this.project.ngConfig.defaults &&
this.project.ngConfig.defaults.lazyRoutePrefix !== undefined) {
lazyRoutePrefix = this.project.ngConfig.defaults.lazyRoutePrefix;
content = _insertImport(content, `${jsComponentName}Component`,
`./${options.isLazyRoute ? lazyRoutePrefix : ''}${stringUtils.dasherize(base)}`);

let defaultReg = options.default ? ', useAsDefault: true' : '';
let routePath = options.path || `/${base}`;
let route = '{'
+ `path: '${routePath}', `
+ `component: ${jsComponentName}Component`
+ defaultReg
+ '}';

// Add the route configuration.
content = _addRoutes(content);
content = content.replace(/(@Routes\(\[\s*\n)([\s\S\n]*?)(^\s*\]\))/m, function(_, m1, m2, m3) {
if (m2.length) {
// Add a `,` if there's none.
m2 = m2.replace(/([^,])(\s*)\n$/, function (_, a1, a2) {
return a1 + ',\n' + a2;
return m1 + m2 + ` ${route}\n` + m3;

// Add the directive.
content = content.replace(/(@Component\(\{)([\s\S\n]*?)(\n\}\))/m, function(_, prefix, json, suffix) {
const m = json.match(/(^\s+directives:\s*\[)([\s\S\n]*)(\]\s*,?.*$)/m);
if (m) {
if (m[2].indexOf('ROUTER_DIRECTIVES') != -1) {
// Already there.
return _;

// There's a directive already, but no ROUTER_DIRECTIVES.
return prefix +
json.replace(/(^\s+directives:\s*\[)([\s\S\n]*)(^\]\s*,?.*$)/m, function(_, prefix, d, suffix) {
return prefix + d + (d ? ',' : '') + 'ROUTER_DIRECTIVES' + suffix;
}) + suffix;
} else {
// There's no directive already.
return prefix + json + ',\n directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]' + suffix;

// Add the provider, only on the APP itself.
if (isAppComponent) {
content = _insertImport(content, 'ROUTER_DIRECTIVES', '@angular/router');
content = _insertImport(content, 'ROUTER_PROVIDERS', '@angular/router');
content = content.replace(/(@Component\(\{)([\s\S\n]*?)(\n\}\))/m, function (_, prefix, json, suffix) {
const m = json.match(/(^\s+providers:\s*\[)([\s\S\n]*)(\]\s*,?.*$)/m);
if (m) {
if (m[2].indexOf('ROUTER_PROVIDERS') != -1) {
// Already there.
return _;

// There's a directive already, but no ROUTER_PROVIDERS.
return prefix +
json.replace(/(^\s+providers:\s*\[)([\s\S\n]*)(^\]\s*,?.*$)/m, function (_, prefix, d, suffix) {
return prefix + d + (d ? ',' : '') + 'ROUTER_PROVIDERS' + suffix;
}) + suffix;
} else {
// There's no directive already.
return prefix + json + ',\n providers: [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]' + suffix;

// Change the template.
content = content.replace(/(@Component\(\{)([\s\S\n]*?)(\}\))/m, function(_, prefix, json, suffix) {
const m = json.match(/(^\s+template:\s*\[)([\s\S\n]*)(\]\s*,?.*$)/m);

if (m) {
if (m[2].indexOf('<router-outlet></router-outlet>') != -1) {
// Already there.
return _;

// There's a template already, but no <router-outlet>.
return prefix +
json.replace(/(^\s+template:\s*`)([\s\S\n]*?)(`,?.*$)/m, function(_, prefix, t, suffix) {
return prefix + t + '<router-outlet></router-outlet>' + suffix;
}) + suffix;
} else {
// There's no template, look for the HTML file.
const htmlFile = parentFile.replace(/\.ts$/, '.html');
if (!fs.existsSync(htmlFile)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Cannot find HTML: ' + htmlFile);

// Can't be found, exit early.
return _;

let html = fs.readFileSync(htmlFile, 'utf-8');
if (html.indexOf('<router-outlet></router-outlet>') == -1) {
html += '\n<router-outlet></router-outlet>';

fs.writeFileSync(htmlFile, html, 'utf-8');
return _;

fs.writeFileSync(parentFile, content, 'utf-8');

_verifyParentRoute: function() {
const parsedPath = this.dynamicPath;
const parentFile = this._findParentRouteFile(parsedPath.dir);
if (!parentFile) {

const gParentDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(parentFile));
const gParentFile = this._findParentRouteFile(gParentDir);

if (!gParentFile) {

let parentComponentName = path.basename(parsedPath.dir);
if (parentComponentName[0] == '+') parentComponentName = parentComponentName.substr(1);
const jsComponentName = stringUtils.classify(parentComponentName);
const routeRegex = new RegExp(`^\\s*\\{.*component: ${jsComponentName}.*`
+ '\\},?\\s*\\n?', 'm');

let content = fs.readFileSync(gParentFile, 'utf-8');
const m = content.match(routeRegex);
if (m) {
// Replace `path: '/blah'` with the proper `path: '/blah/...'`.
let json = m[0].replace(/(path:\s*['"])([^'"]+?)(['"])/, function(m, prefix, value, suffix) {
// If the path isn't ending with `...`, add it (with a URL separator).
if (!value.match(/\.\.\.$/)) {
if (!value.match(/\/$/)) {
value += '/';
value += '...';
return prefix + value + suffix;
content = content.substr(0, m.index) + json + content.substr(m.index + m[0].length);
description: '',

fs.writeFileSync(gParentFile, content, 'utf-8');
install: function () {
throw 'Due to changes in the router, route generation has been temporarily disabled';
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/acceptance/generate-route.spec.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function fileExpectations(lazy, expectation) {
expect(existsSync(path.join(testPath, dir, 'my-route.component.ts'))).to.equal(expectation);

describe('Acceptance: ng generate route', function () {
xdescribe('Acceptance: ng generate route', function () {

Expand Down

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