#Email Sender Docker-symfony project
After download:
Make sure you adjust `database` in `symfony/app/parameters.yml`
(after you build docker image you can user alias 'db' or 'd6442a4eec51' for db_host)
Make sure you adjust `swiftmailer:` in `symfony/app/config.yml`
Make sure you used 'doctrine:database:create' and 'doctrine:schema:update --force'
Run the Docker environment using
$ docker-build
$ docker-compose up -d
You can check IP with
$ docker inspect $(docker ps -f name=nginx -q) | grep IPAddress
1. First you need to register user (make sure you have table symfony.fos_user in DB)
2. You can send emails in format over API with Basic Auth (username and password - creds of registered user) -
make sure you have symfony.email table in DB
"from": "…",
"to": "…",
"subject": "…",
"message": "…"
"from": "…",
"to": "…",
"subject": "…",
"message": "…"
3. You can get emails written in the DB over API with Basic Auth (username and password - creds of registered user)