- I did reasearch on Paypal and learn intresting things about this compamy thats been around for quite some time. Paypal was founded back December 1998, Palo Alto, California
- The founders consists of; Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Ken Howery, Yu Pan, Max Levchin, Luke Nosek
“a company founded on the premise of low-cost, almost effortless digital payments for consumers and businesses”
- Peter Thiel and Max Levchin had in mind how businesses would handle money transfers as the internet grew more and more popular.
“PayPal makes money via transactions fees, premium features offered to business accounts (in the form of subscriptions), the sale of card readers, business loans, referral fees on cashback rewards, interchange fees, interest on cash, as well as by promoting shipment services”
- PayPal gets money from these forms and people usually want loans and are willing to pay more. In 2019 PayPal made an astonishing 17.7 Billion.
- As the internet grew more they were solving a problem on how consumers would pay for goods online to the companies.
- Some of PayPals customers would be anyone trying to pay over the internet.
- If you run a small business you can make an account with PayPal and collect payments through there and will pay a fee to PayPal for their services.
- Paypal has been an effective pay to transfer money anywhere on the world and its the most trusted. technologies used are that they can connect to your bank account easily and the transfered money ca be seen within seconds. They use things such as; cybersecurity, Javascript, Machine Learning and AI, and programming.
- PayPal falls under the domain of payments in this industry
- Some trends consistof it being used more and become trustworthy around the globe. Just recently they started to let you buy cryptocurrency and this is just the beginning.
- Some companies in the way of PayPal consist of; Stripe, WePay, and Payoneer.
- The impact that this compay has had is lifechanging. Small business can get paid, lots of retails accept PayPal at checkout, went creating your own shopify you can get paided through there.
- Companies in the payment field have many core metrics. Some examples would consist of;
referrals, revenues, acquisition metrics, and retention metrics.
PayPal has been around for so long that it has a good reputation that it makes people feel safe having an accout with this company. - PayPal has specialized in payments since eary 2000's so it puts in at the top from its competitors since it has that advantace of being in use first.
- If i could advise to PayPal i would tell them to have more cyptocurrencies to offer. This would attract more customers that alreay use PayPal and were long to get into he cryto space.
- Something that they would have to add is their own exchange and have wallets. By doing this they could be a big competitor and make it look like they taking crypto serious.
- These would be required because sometime in the near future people will start paying with cytpo. Many companies have started to buy all sorts of things with crypto wallets. Houses, art, and available at some retail stoes(Latest one being AMC)
- https://medium.com/paypal-tech
- https://stackshare.io/paypal#alternatives
- https://www.thestreet.com/technology/history-of-paypal-15062744
- https://productmint.com/paypal-business-model-how-does-paypal-make-money/
- https://www.yahoo.com/video/fintech-analytics-top-7-metrics-182104952.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACS3gIWEYsdqKf3Wr8JVOcWa3meVvLZiVMB9irorQXtMm7eFuPdby5pPvd7Iikut0H9eTZ9kBCAvYxIJrpzy2m27EIeUd85Q1irT-XMF4XCJBV64m7EkKa7_0QDZfXc1uDZwo6lgJ0qEtYe6VE6CKrJe9ZevXYFhKG2G178bQWvp
- https://cloud.google.com/customers/paypal
- https://www.electronicpaymentsinternational.com/news/paypal-history-milestones/
- https://medium.com/paypal-tech