1st place winner for Oregon State Beaverhacks Winter 2022!
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Spotify Cartography groups simular songs together based on their happiness, energy, danceability and six other variables using an algorithm called t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE).
Your songs are then displayed in a 3D space using Three.js, allowing you to fly around and explore.
Hover songs to see their details, and Shift + Click them to play them on your current Spotify playback device.
You control the parameters passed to t-SNE, as well as how heavly to weight the nine variables it takes into account.
You can also choose a variety of options on what data to visualize. Select all your liked songs, a subset of your liked songs, a set of albums, artists or playlists, your top listened for different time ranges, or simply use samples provided.
I love music, but navigating my music library has always been a challenge. I have almost 400 playlists on Spotify and keep on adding more songs. I'm always looking for better ways to organize my music.
I've been obsessed with Spotify's API for a while.
It not only offers access to my entire library but also statistics on each song that Spotify has generated using machine learning. Spotify can tell you how happy a song is, how energetic it is, what's the likelihood it was performed live is, and other cool statistics.
While making charts of my happiest or least energetic songs is entertaining, I've always wanted to apply t-SNE to the data to see how it'd pan out.
Every point you see on your 3D map is a song. The bottom will display details on any song you hover, and has a few tabs to open on the right side.
Your frame rate is displayed at the top-right. This is mostly impacted by the number of points you have on the screen.
Use your mouse to move around the scene. Currently there isn't support for touchscreens and VR, but hopefully that can be added soon!
Rotate: Hold Left Click and move your mouse to rotate around the origin, which is default to the center of the 3D space.
Pan: Hold Right-Click and move your mouse to move the origin.
Zoom: Use the Scroll-Wheel to zoom closer and farther from the origin. You can also press down your middle mouse button and move your mouse up and down.
Play Song: You can Control + Click or Shift + Click to play a song. You must be logged into Spotify, and have Spotify playing music on any device for it to work.
You can hover over any song to see it's details at the bottom, including it's cover art, name and artists.
You'll also be shown nine variables such as the song's happiness or energy. These are the variables that were used to map the point.
If applicable, Spotify Cartographer will also show the date it was added.
The speed at which points rotate is based on their energy. While this choice was arbitrary, it should give you a better idea of what kind of songs are clustered.
This rotation is disabled when t-SNE to give your poor computer a break.
The color of a point changes based on the query made.
- Your Top Listened
- Color is based on position on your top listened chart.
- Liked Songs
- Color is based on when the song was added.
- Playlists
- One Playlist
- Color is based on position in the playlist.
- Multiple Playlists
- Color is based on the playlist each song is from.
- One Playlist
- Albums
- One Albums
- Color is based on position in the album.
- Multiple Albums
- Color is based on the album each song is from.
- One Albums
- Artists
- One Artist
- One Album
- Color is based on position in the album.
- Multiple Albums
- Color is based on the album each song is from.
- One Album
- Multiple Artists
- Color is based on the artist each song is from.
- One Artist
Login to Spotify Cartography with your Spotify account.
Alternatively, you can use sample data without being logged in.
Once authenticated, you'll be presented with a menu. You have complete control over what songs you'd like to visualize.
- Your Top Listened
- Visualize your top fifty played songs over the course of several years, several months, or several weeks.
- Liked Songs
- Visualize your entire saved library, or a subset using the limit and offset parameters.
- Playlists
- Select one or more playlists to visualize. This allows you to display the natural order of a playlist, or compare two playlists.
- Albums
- Select one or more albums to visualize. This could be used to compare two simular albums and where they differ / intersect.
- Artists
- Select one or more artists to visualize. This allows you to see how an artist's albums have changed over time, or compare two simular artists and where they differ / intersect.
- Sample Data
- If you don't have a Spotify premium account, or would rather not login / deal with parameters, feel free to explore a few of the samples provided.
Once you've selected your method of query, Spotify Cartography will request every song, as well as their audio features. These audio features include:
- Level of happiness
- Level of energy
- Level of danceability
- Chance the song is acoustic
- Chance the song is instrumental
- Chance the song is live
- How much speech the song contains
- Estimated tempo
- Popularity of the song
Spotify Cartography uses these parameters, and nothing else, to map songs in your 3D space.
It does this by using an algorithm called t-SNE to estimate those nine variables into three (x, y, z) to be plotted. This method is not perfect, and the parameters passed into t-SNE matter a ton.
If you're not into math or coding here's a video to help you understand what t-SNE does!
Once Spotify Cartography has loaded all the data, it will run t-SNE once and show you your 3D space.
This won't be enough and you won't find many interesting relationships.
Click the Algorithm tab to change t-SNE's parameters and re-run the algorithm. It's best to bump up iterations to 1,000. This is how many times t-SNE will be run.
When you're ready, you can click the Run button. In the top left of your screen, you'll see details on the progress.
Further parameter changes:
It's hard to predict how many times you'll have to run t-SNE, but the results tend to stabilize after many iterations.
You can play around with epsilon (learning rate) and perplexity (guess at the number of close neighbors each point has). You can read more on these here. I recommend you play around with these, perplexity is said to be best at around numberTracks ** 0.5
The nine variables mentioned early might not all interest you!
A 3D space showing the happiness and energy of tracks can yeild better results when the popularity of a song is disregarded.
Click the Preferences tab at the bottom to change how heavlily each variable is weighed during evaluation.
Changes are saved as soon as they are made, so once you're done you can go back to the Algorithm tab and re-run t-SNE.
The website was built using Vue.js; I'm a big fanboy of Vue. The Vuex store was used for most data, as it's global and allows me to manage the mutation of the data.
The 3D graphics were done using Three.js. There's a lot to learn and plenty more optimization to be done as far as the 3D scene. I'm new to 3D libraries so I did whatever was quick and dirty!
I used the Spotify API to request saved tracks and audio features. The chef's kiss was adding Spotify's Web Playback SDK, which allows the website to become a playback device, and receive real-time data on playback. Pain to implement, tiny small additional features. The only benefit really is avoiding rate limits.
The npm library @keckelt/tsne was used for processing the data. At first, I was interested in implementing it myself based on the papers I found, but shortly realized it was best left for another time.
Most of the development of Spotify Cartography took place over the three day hackaton it was built for. Past that, I decided to add some features and clean up the code.
- Youtube | A.I. Experiments: Visualizing High-Dimensional Space
- Wikipedia | t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
- Journal of Machine Learning Research | Visualizing Data using t-SNE
- Laurens Van Der Maaten | t-SNE
- Wattenberg, Viegas & Johnson | How to Use t-SNE Effectively
- Google AI Blog | Realtime tSNE Visualizations with TensorFlow.js
- Colah's Blog | Visualizing MNIST: An Exploration of Dimensionality Reduction
- Google Arts & Culture | t-SNE Art Map
- npm | @keckelt/tsne