Title: Quirk
Team Members: Andy Qin, Jessica He, Eric Liang
Demo Link
Idea: A lightweight, anonymous question-and-answer application.
Models and Description:
- Has name and email instances
- Presence of name and email are validated and email must follow REGEX pattern
- Rooms contain unique sets of questions, which are sorted on their score
- They can be created and deleted with ease
- Each question belongs to a room, so it only shows up there
- Each question is associated with a score
- Rooms can be created
- Rooms can be shared by the URL
- Questions can be asked
- Each question can be upvoted
Division of Labor:
- Andy: Made users, built Room-Question relationship
- Eric: Built Room and Question models, created upvote feature
- Jessica: Pair-programmed with Eric in styling the app and working on Questions