SwiftReduxRouter maps navigation to routes that provides SwiftUI views controlled by a Redux NavigationState.
It is written for SwiftUI apps based on a Redux pattern. This Router provides a NavigationState and a RouterView backed with UIKit. The NavigationState controls the navigation and you can easily go back and forth in the action history and the RouterView will navigate to a route. The routerView uses the UINavigationController in the background since the current SwiftUI NavigationView does not provide necessary methods to make it work.
This package also provides a nessecary actions to use to changed the navigation state.
- SwiftUIRedux: https://github.com/andylindebros/SwiftUIRedux
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/lindebrothers/SwiftReduxRouter.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "<Desired version>"))
See examples how to implement in the Example project within this package.
Setup your scheme and deep links will be opened by the router.
Following rules apply to the example implementation above:
will be pushed to the first tabswiftreduxrouter://example.com/tab1/page/1
will be selected in the first tabswiftreduxrouter:///tab2/page/2
will be selected in and will select the second tab.swiftreduxrouter:///tab2/page/1
will be pushed to the second tabswiftreduxrouter:///standalone/page/1
will be presented in the standalone navigationController on top of the tab barswiftreduxrouter:///standalone/page/2
will be pushed to the presented standalone navigationControllerswiftreduxrouter:///page/1
will be presented in a new navigationController on top of the tab barswiftreduxrouter:///tab1
will select the first tab
You can dispatch the Deeplink anywhere in your app to navigate to any desired route.
Button(action: {
store.disptach(Deeplink(url: URL(string: "/tab2/page/2")).action(for: store.navigation))
}) {
Text("Take me to page two in the second tab")
Test deeplinks from the terminal:
xcrun simctl openurl booted '<INSERT_URL_HERE>'
The router uses URL routing just like a web page. URL routing makes it easy to organize your project and to work with deep links and Universal links. Choose a path to your route. Make sure the path is unique, the router maps the first matching route to a path.
You can make parts of the URL dynamic and attach multiple rules
Supported dynamic parameters are:
- string -
- integer -
- float -
- uuid -
- path -
will match everything aftersomepath/
If you set the tab property of the NavigationModel in the init state, the RouterView will render a UITabBar.
A view gets presented by setting the navigationTarget to NavigationTarget.new().
dispatch(NavigationAction.add(path: NavPath("some path to a route"), to: .new()))
To dismiss it, you simply use the Dismiss action:
dispatch(NavigationAction.Dismiss(navigationModel: The navigationModel to dismiss))
You can access the navigationModel object from the renderView method.
render: { navigationModel, params in
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {
}) {
Text(navigationModel.tab == nil ? "Close" : "")
You can trigger alerts by dispatching NavigationAction.alert
type: .alert // .alert || .actionSheet, default is .alert
label: "The label of the alert", // Optional
message: "Optional message", // Optional
buttons: [
label: "the button label",
action: SomeAction // needs to conform to NavigationActionProvider
type: UIAlertAction.Style = .default
extension SomeAction: NavigationActionsProvider {}
SwiftReduxRouter supports monitoring with ReduxMonitor.
Just let your JumpState action conform NavigationJumpStateAction
struct JumpState: NavigationJumpStateAction, Action {
let navigationState: NavigationState
Try the example app SwiftReduxRouterExample
to find out more
- SwiftUIRedux: https://github.com/andylindebros/SwiftUIRedux