- Node.js v18
- IDE: vscode, Extension: Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
If you use npx create the project you might run into some problem, you can check link below or just use yarn to create project tailwindlabs/tailwindcss#2833
- Automatic Class Sorting
npm install -D prettier prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
# or
yarn add -D prettier prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
search the class you need, if you need style font size, you could click search input on the left side bar, enter font size, and you will find the class you need.
Pseudo-element syntax is like this: hover:bg-sky-700
Link to Pseudo-element Docs
Pseudo-classes syntax is like this: after:content-['_↗']
Link to CSS Selectors Docs
CSS Selectors syntax is like this: first:pt-0
Link to official Docs
By default, Tailwind uses a mobile-first breakpoint system
<!-- This will center text on mobile, and left align it on screens 640px and wider -->
<div class="text-center sm:text-left"></div>
sometimes you need a sepcific value, you might want to use arbitrary values
w-[22px] equals to width: 22px;
@layer components {
.navBorder {
@apply w-[15px] bg-[#D6D6D6];
height: 1px;