A CMS-style blog site similar to a Wordpress site, where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well.
npm install
This app uses the following dependencies:
bcrypt ^5.1.0,
connect-session-sequelize ^7.1.5,
dotenv ^16.0.3,
express ^4.18.2,
express-handlebars ^7.0.1,
express-session ^1.17.3,
mysql2 ^3.2.0,
sequelize ^6.29.1
When the user first visits the website, they will see previously published articles about topics surrounding technology.
The user has the option to create an account in order to publish their own content as well as comment on the posts of other users.
This repo is open for contributions!
There are currently no tests for the application.
Please report errors to Andy Kleindienst at andy.kleindienst@gmail.com
MIT License
For any questions regarding this project, please send correspondence to andy.kleindienst@gmail.com.
Please visit my profile on GitHub.