To test locally, references to hosting location need to be changed to localhost. Search for the lines to be uncommented by searching for "LOCAL MACHINE" in in Dockerfile & main.js.
Before implementing in Production, be sure to revert to the PRODUCTION commmented code.
- npm start
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up -d //-d runs in detached mode so it doesnt bind to the cli
- Change dockerfile, and gridrefUrl on main.js
- gcloud auth login
- gcloud projects list
- gcloud config set project sarv-319519
- gcloud builds submit --tag
- gcloud run deploy sarv --image
- IP:
- A git repository is generally first defined by the directory (working tree) that contains the .git directory
- As the git grows in complexity, it may contain branches from multiple sources that are not present in a single working tree
- Remote repo is added as an origin:
Add files to the staging area for commit with git add .
See what files are staged with git status
Commit changes made to you local git repo. The message in the " " is given so that the other users can read the message and see what changes you made git commit -m "change summary"
If you committed changes in error, unstage files with git reset HEAD~1
push project code from local repo to at with git push -u origin main