This simple project shows how to dockerise PHP and Nginx and run them together in AWS Fargate.
The high-level steps to get this running are:
- Get AWS CLI installed and configured so you can push containers to ECR
- Build the docker containers and push them to ECR
- Create a Fargate task that references the containers in ECR
- Create a Fargate cluster
- Add a load balancer
- Add a service to the cluster that will run the task
- Link the load-balancer to the service
- Add TLS encryption to the load-balancer
Create one for php-info and one for webserver.
To get the push commands you can click onto the details of the repository and then click the button on the top right that says "View push commands"
Build the docker images and push them to your repositories:
docker build ./php-info/ -t phpinfo:latest
docker build ./webserver/ -t webserver:latest
docker tag php-info:latest <your repo prefix>
docker tag webserver:latest <your repo prefix>
docker push <your repo prefix>
docker push <your repo prefix>
Navigate to the ECS service and choose task definitions then "create new task definition".
Choose "Fargate"
Task definition name: php-info Task role: None Network mode: This can't be changed because you've chosen Fargate deployment Task Memory: 1GB Task vCPU: 0.5
Now add a container. Name it "php-info" and copy in the repository url for the php-info container. Leave the rest blank and click add.
Add another container. Name it "webserver" and use the repository url for the webserver container. Add a host port mapping and select host port 80 to container port 80.
Finish creating the task.
Select Clusters in the ECS service menu on the left and add a cluster.
Select "Fargate" deployment (networking only)
Name the cluster php-example-cluster
Leave the rest of the fields as is and click create
Navigate to the EC2 service and select security groups. Create a new security group.
Security group name: public web
Description: Allow public access to common web ports
Inbound rules:
HTTP: allow
HTTPS: allow
Navigate to the EC2 service and select Load balancers. Create a new load balancer and name it "php-example-lb".
The scheme must be internet facing and select the public subnets you want it in.
Click next, ignore the warning about HTTPS (you can add HTTPS later)
Click next for security groups.
Select the security group you added earlier
Click next to configure routing
Add a new target group called "fargate-target"
Click next to register targets
None will be available so skip this step.
Review and create
Navigate to the ECS service, select clusters and click on the cluster you created.
Select "Create" under the services tab
The launch type must be "Fargate"
Name the service fargate-service-example
Set the number of tasks to 1
Click next step
Select the VPC and public subnets (should match the load-balancer I think)
Auto-assign public IP: enabled
Set the load balancer option to "application load balancer"
In the drop down change the load balancer name to "php-example-lb"
Add the container to the load-balancer (select the webserver:80:80 in the drop down)
Set the production listener port to 80
Set the path pattern to /* and set the target group name to "fargate-target"
Leave the rest as is and click to go to the next step
Select "Do not adjust the services desired count" and click next.
Create the service and wait for it to spin up.
Navigate to the EC2 service and select the load-balancer.
Select the target group.
Select health checks and change the path to "/healthcheck.html".
At this point your load balancer should start picking up the healthy host and you can navigate to the load balancer public IP.
If you visit http://<your loadbalancer public dns>/index.php
you should see a phpinfo page showing PHP 7.3.8