This is README file for dsp++ repository, whose master copy is located at Bitbucket.
- Linux x64 (Ubuntu)
- Linux x64 (LFS)
- Windows 64-bit 
- Windows 32-bit 
dsp++ library aims at delivering reusable digital signal processing algorithms to C++ projects. The library is written in modern C++ with extensive use of templates and STL constructs.
The repository hosts several "projects", with dsp++ library being the main one and the others are used for testing and demonstrating some of the library features. The contents of the directories is as follows:
- dsp++ - the library project, probably the reason why you cloned this repo
- dsp++-test - library unit testing project using Boost.Test, updated when time allows
- compressor_demo - a sample project demonstrating how to create very simple compressor using dsp++
- filter_demo - a sample project demonstrating use of Matlab-designed filters with dsp++ filtering classes
- multiband_compressor - a more complex sample demonstrating how to create multiband compressor algorihtm with dsp++
The only supported general-purpose solution for now is CMake. In the past there were included project files for IDEs like Visual Studio, Eclipse and XCode, but maintaining them was painful and didn't allow for using CI servers easily.
There's also possibility to build dsp++ for Android, using CrystaX NDK and ndk-build tools.
The dsp++ library has the following dependencies:
- Boost library - currently it's impossible to build nor use dsp++ without
Boost. On Windows you'll probably use
binary distribution,
in that case add
environment variable pointing at the Boost installation dir and the rest should be automagickally done by CMake FindBoost macro (with a little help). - libsndfile - on non-Windows systems just use package manager to install
this in standard location and it should be automagickally found by CMake. On
Windows you'll probably want to install from
prebuilt binaries. In such case,
environment variable, and install 32-bit binary in%LIBSNDFILE_ROOT%\x86
and 64-bit one in%LIBSNDFILE_ROOT%\x64
. - fftw3 (optional) - on non-Windows system install as usual. On Windows
download prebuild binaries and
just like withLIBSNDFILE_ROOT
above (inluding x86/x64 subdirs). You will also need to generate import libs the way it's described under the link above.