Detect e-mail connection settings
Require imap-autoconfig
var autoconfig = require("imap-autoconfig");
Create new autoconfig object
var detector = autoconfig.createIMAPSettingsDetector(config);
Where config is an optional (if not set, predefined values will be used) configuration object with following properties:
- disableCache - Disable caching & redis (defaults to false)
- redis - Redis configuration object (host, port, db)
- cacheExpire - Cache expiration in seconds for checked keys (set 0 for eternity, defaults to 24h)
Check IMAP connection settings with autoconfig.detect
detector.detect(address, password, cached, callback)
- address is the e-mail address to check
- password is the password for the user
- cached is a boolean indicator - if set to true, checks the data from a cache, otherwise checks the server
- callback is the callback function to run with an error object and imap settings object
detector.detect("", "zzzzz", true, function(err, data){
console.log(err || data);
Response data object has the following properties
- host is the IMAP hostname
- port is the port to the host
- secure indicates if the connection should be started with SSL (usually true for port 993 and false for 143)
- user indicates the format of the username, if it's %EMAIL% then, the IMAP username is also the email address, if it's %USER% then the local part of the user is the correct username, if it was unable to detect (password was not provided), it's set to false
- expires if the result came from cache, then this property indicates when the cache will be expired
Example value
host: '',
port: '993',
secure: 'true',
user: '%EMAIL%',
expires: Thu Aug 09 2012 11:43:14 GMT+0300 (EEST) // Date object, not a String value