Playbook to install and configure Sensu.
Sensu does not have a strong dependency on others software (it come by default as an omnibus). But you will need a RabbitMQ server and a Redis server. They do not have to be on the same host as Sensu thought.
Currently only Debian Wheezie & Jessie amd64 are supported and tested. Patch welcome to support other OS.
Just use Galaxy:
$ ansible-galaxy install Mayeu.sensu
Starting with the tag 0.1.0, this playbook use semantic versioning.
The public API defined in the semantic versioning correspond to the settings available to the user. Breaking the API (incrementing from X.Y.Z to (X+1).Y.Z) in this context mean that the user need to change its own configuration for the playbook to run.
Any new feature added (from X.Y.Z to X.(Y+1).Z) should have a working default value that need no user interaction by default. If a feature addition require user interaction, then it is not a minor upgrade, but a major one.
RabbitMQ is expected to be listening on its TLS port (5671
). If your server
is setup otherwise, you'll have to change the sensu_server_rabbitmq_port
This also mean that you will need to have the client certificate for your
RabbitMQ server in your files/
├── sensu_client_cert.pem
└── sensu_client_key.pem
Note that you can find a complete set of certificates and keys in
for test purpose only. Be smart, don't use certificates &
keys publicly available in production! You can also customize this path, see
Roles Variables.
The playbook also expect that you have the following folder organisation for
Sensu script in your files/
└── sensu/
├── plugins/
├── handlers/
└── extensions/
This follow the organisation of the Sensu community plugins repository.
The configuration of Sensu does not uses the /etc/sensu/config.json
anymore, but split all the files in the /etc/sensu/conf.d
└── conf.d
├── api.json
├── checks.json
├── client.json
├── handlers.json
├── rabbitmq.json
├── redis.json
└── settings.json
All those files are created from a template, that use the variable you'll setup for your playbook. See Role Variables.
If you have custom key/value you want to add to your client configuration,
please uses the sensu_settings
variable, that will generate the
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sensu_install_client |
Boolean | Determine if we need to install the client part | true |
sensu_install_server |
Boolean | Determine if we need to install the server part | true |
sensu_install_uchiwa |
Boolean | Determine if we need to install the uchiwa. Will only work in sensu_install_server is also true |
true |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sensu_settings |
Hash | Custom key => value you want to add to your configuration | {} |
sensu_user |
String | The user running sensu | sensu |
sensu_group |
String | the group running sensu | sensu |
sensu_checks |
Complex type | A variable representing the checks configuration. Will be auto converted to JSON | [] |
sensu_handlers |
Complex type | A variable representing the handlers configuration. Will be auto converted to JSON | [] |
sensu_embedded_ruby |
String | Indicate if Sensu should use the embedded Ruby, or the system one | "true" |
sensu_cert_dir |
String | Directory to look for the certificates | files |
sensu_cert_file_name |
String | Filename of the client certificate | sensu_client_cert.pem |
sensu_key_file_name |
String | Filename of the client key | sensu_client_key.pem |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sensu_client_hostname |
String | Hostname of this client | "{{ ansible_hostname }}" |
sensu_client_address |
String | Address of this client | "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" |
sensu_client_subscription_names |
List | List of test to execute on this client | [test] |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sensu_server_redis_host |
String | Hostname of the Redis server | "" |
sensu_server_api_host |
String | Adress of the Sensu API server | "" |
sensu_server_api_host |
String | Port of the Sensu API server | 4567 |
sensu_server_api_user |
String | User to connect to the api | "sensu" |
sensu_server_api_password |
String | Password for the api user | "placeholder" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_vhost |
String | RabbitMQ virtual host | "/sensu" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_hostname |
String | Hostname of the RabbitMQ server | "" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_port |
Integer | Port of the RabbitMQ server | 5672 |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_insecure |
String | Disabel TLS connection to RabbitMQ | "false" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_user |
String | Username to connect to RabbitMQ | "sensu" |
sensu_server_rabbitmq_password |
String | Password to connect to RabbitMQ | "placeholder" |
sensu_server_dashboard_host |
String | The address on which Uchiwa will listen | "" |
sensu_server_dashboard_port |
String | The port on which Uchiwa will listen | "3000" |
sensu_server_dashboard_user |
String | The username of the Uchiwa dashboard | "uchiwa" |
sensu_server_dashboard_password |
String | The password for the Uchiwa dashboard | "placeholder" |
sensu_server_dashboard_refresh |
Integer | Determines the interval to pull the Sensu APIs, in seconds | 5 |
sensu_server_patch_init_scripts |
Boolean | Indicate if patched init scripts that start/stop rabbitmq-server/redis-server when the sensu server is started stopped. Disable this if your redis / rabbitmq servers are on different machines | true |
Weak dependencies on:
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
There is some really basic tests with the playbook. It just try to install a server with client, a server only, and a client only, on 3 VM:
$ vagrant up
The test depends on the following roles (that are already present in the
- Mayeu.RabbitMQ
- redis
Original author: Matthieu Maury,
Contributor to the playbook: