Run in a folder that has the files containing the mRNAs from the different databases. miRNAoverlap will output a list of miRNAs sorted by most common, and the same list of miRNAs that has which database the miRNA was found in. All the files should be in the Dropbox folder.
The databases/files required are:
Database | File |
miRdSNP | mirdsnp-snp-mir-distance.csv |
miRPD | miranda_full.tsv |
croft_full.tsv | |
Phenomir2 | Phenomir2.tbl |
miRCancer | miRCancer.txt |
miR2Disease | miRmasterlist |
TCGA | miRNA-all-hierarchical.txt |
miRNA-all-NMF.txt | |
Marchini | miRNA-initial.csv |