An OS X menu item for starting and stopping homebrew services.
This reads the homebrew services command, showing you the status of your services and allowing them to be started, stopped and restarted.
brew install --cask brewservicesmenubar
Download from the Releases page.
More info about this malicious software warning.
The program doesn't have an option to autostart itself, so you may want to open System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Login Items and add the application to the list to have it start when you log in.
- Start a specific service by clicking its name
- Stop a specific running service (indicated with a tick) by clicking its name
- Hold the Option key to allow a single service to be restarted
By default looks for Homebrew at /usr/local/bin/brew
and /opt/Homebrew/bin/brew
If this not correct for your setup, you can customize it using:
defaults write andrewnicolaou.BrewServicesMenubar brewExecutable /usr/local/bin/brew
- Andrew Nicolaou (
- Stéphan Kochen (
- Stefan Sundin (
Icon is Beer by Enemen from the Noun Project.