1.0.0 (2023-03-18)
Bug Fixes
add "new" button to clear the canvas (b420067 )
add crud operation to chrome storage (8c98425 )
add DrawingItem component (fb73804 )
add manifest and icons (89d116c )
add messages and receiver to the script (d0916bc )
add modal component (7686289 )
add title and button components (df19720 )
add title bar (e724381 )
add update functionality (6cfe121 )
color the buttons (ed98156 )
disable the plugin in collab mode (a461df1 )
handle the name of the current drawing (84126cd )
open drawing (30df4d1 )
save current drawing (dd119fa )
save us (2036cf9 )
show a button to navigate to excalidraw (eee5e8d )
show a warning before replacing current drawing (8bb8363 )
show a warning when the extension is not able to comm with the content-script (0877746 )
show confirmation modal before clear the canvas (af70580 )
show confirmation modal between delete (046abdf )
show modal if script is not alive (250165c )
support localStorage (bfb30e0 )
UI mockup (2a34c9a )
You can’t perform that action at this time.