- To download the project follow the instructions bellow:
1. git clone https://github.com/andresso/polz.git
2. cd polz
- The POLZ requires
- lempel-ziv-complexity 0.2.2
- matplotlib 3.5.1
- numpy 1.22.3
- To install the project prerequisites, run the command:
$ pip install -r rwquitements.txt
- To compress a sequence, it is necessary the non-commutative graph:
from polz.polz_class import POLZ
polz = POLZ()
# Non-commutativity graph
adj = [
["n", "s"],
["e", "w"],
sequence = "nsenwnweewns" # n, s, e, w, nw, ee, wns -> Complexity = 7
complexity, encoded_dict = polz.encode(sequence, adj)
print(f"Sequence: {sequence}")
print(f"Complexity: {complexity}")
print(f"Encoded dictionary: {encoded_dict}")
- And to decompress:
sequence_eq, _ = polz.decode(encoded_dict)
print(f"Decompressed sequence: {sequence_eq}")
- To run this example, execute:
$ python examples/robot_commands/robot_commands.py
- To run this example, execute:
$ python examples/constrained_robot_commands/constrained_robot_commands.py
- To execute this example, follow the instructions bellow:
1. python examples/atm_operations/generate_atm_operations.py
2. python examples/atm_operations/atm_operations.py
- To execute all unit tests:
$ python -m unittest tests