A quick note taking app
A found myself needing to take quick disposable notes during meetings, while coding or just to remember future
me of what I was doing yesterday.
In this kind of situations I need something that runs fast and is ready at my fingertips at any time.
- Clone the repo in your favourite location (
git clone https://github.com/andresemartinez/qnote.git
) - Give grants to the qnote file inside the qnote folder (
chmod +x qnote/qnote
) - Add qnote to your path (Add this line to your rc file:
export PATH="«path_to_qnote»/qnote:$PATH"
) - Source the completion file (Add this line to your rc file:
source "«path_to_qnote»/qnote_completion"
Variable | Description | Default |
QNOTE_DIR | Notes home directory | $HOME/notes |
QNOTE_EXTENSION | Notes file extension | md |
QNOTE_EDITOR | Notes editor of choice | $EDITOR |
Pro Tip: The script is not that long, feel free to change whatever you want to make it suit your needs