- Highcharts
- Highcharts-angular
- Highcharts-maps
i.e. Inside the angular project directory run:
npm install highcharts --save
npm install highcharts-angular --save
npm i @highcharts/map-collection
npm install ng5-slider --save
npm i convert-csv-to-array
The choropleth map geometry is stored inside a json file. To import json files, a compiler option has to be tweaked.
In your 'tsconfig.app.json' file, add the following inside 'compiler options':
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
When joining data to a choropleth map, Highcharts has a bug where typescript ignores the string array type.
The bug is documented here: #13923
A solution I found is to modify Highchart's 'highcharts.d.ts' file.
In 'highcharts.d.ts' replace:
joinBy?: string;
joinBy?: string|Array<string>;