Its code was updated so that now it has a plug-in structure, enabling developers to add new bulk actions functionality more easily, on the base of single code. Shortly, all actions are stored in their own subfolders in /admin/user/actions/ folder, and the base code redirects user to index.php in the action’s folder. To simplify the implementation even further, necessary language strings can be stored in corresponding subfolder of /admin/user/lang/ folder and fetched by get_string function with action-specific parameters. All “standard” actions (view, confirm, delete…) were edited to fit this plug-in structure and perform the same.
Additionally, some actions were added:
- Assign role in courses
- Continue manual enrolments of users
- Enrol to courses
- Purge activity (USE WITH CAUTION: removes user's activity for quizes, lessons, assignments, scorms, attendances and unenrols/unassigns roles from courses)
- Suspend manual enrolments of users
- Unassing roles in courses
- Unenrol from courses
Moodle 2.3
For versions prior Moodle 2.2 see
Extract the contents of andreev-artem-moodle_admin_tool_advuserbulk-xxxxxxx folder inside the archive you've downloaded to folder admin/tool/advuserbulk.
After installation you can find link "Advanced bulk user actions" in Administration ► Users ► Accounts