An SMS notification channel for the PHP framework Laravel.
Supported SMS gateways:
Add the package as a requirement to your composer.json
$ composer require andreasnij/laravel-sms-notification-channel
If you want to use the 46elks, Cellsynt or Telenor SMS Pro gateway you also you need implementations of PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces, PSR-17: HTTP Factories and PSR-18: HTTP Client. A popular package for this is Guzzle. You can install it with:
$ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7.0 guzzlehttp/psr7:^2.0
You may choose to use any other implementations of the PSR interfaces though.
If you want to use the Twilio gateway you also need to install the Twilio SDK:
$ composer require twilio/sdk
If you want to use the Vonage gateway you also need to install the Vonage client:
$ composer require vonage/client-core
Next you need to publish the configuration file to your config directory:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelSmsNotificationChannel\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Edit your sms.php
configuration file to fit your application.
class TestUser
use Notifiable;
public string $phone_number = '46700000000';
public function routeNotificationForSms(Notification $notification): ?string
return $this->phone_number;
class TestNotification extends Notification
public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
return ['sms'];
public function toSms(mixed $notifiable): string
return 'Test message';
$user = new User();
$user->notify(new TestNotification());
You can also use this package to send sms manually (without notifications):
use AnSms\SmsTransceiverInterface;
use AnSms\Message\Message;
$smsTransceiver = app(SmsTransceiverInterface::class);
$message = Message::create('46700000000', 'Hello world!');
Andreas Nilsson (
This software is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.