a tool for experimental sound creation using shiftr.io.
Over a so called Sattelite, a user can join the concert that is hosted by a main sketch. Satellites provide several parameters that are merged together to create then a communal sound. The Sources for the parameters are different, some are manually provided by the user, some are automatically generated by the main host, based on for example the users IP Adress.
To log in as a musician open a sattelite program. Please note, that all satellites will only work with a main/framework running on one device.
Every User has a certain Amount of beats to tap, depending on how many users that are online at the same time. If the user has beats available, he/she can contribute to the common beat rhythm by pressing 'TAB' on the keyboard. With 'SPACEBAR' the user also has the possibility to remove beats from the rhythm.
The Delay measures the duration of a ping that is sent to all users one after each other and calculates then the delaytime out of it.
Based on the Ip Adress, WeatherData is fetched over an WeatherAPI. By default the sum of the windspeed parameter of all users is taken to calculate the filter frequency.
The average Distance between all IP Adresses of all useres creates a Parameter that controls the volume of a Sample, which loops endlessly thorugh.
The Number of users contributes to the LFO Frequenny of the Flanger that is added to a Sample, which loops endlessly thorugh.
The actual Sound setup consists of several loops,samples and effects that are routed as follows:
ArrayList<Satellite> connected
List of all Satellites connected
JSONOBject incoming
receives all incoming messages sent by the main, formatted in JSON file.
JSONArray points
the positions of all IP Adresses connected.
int availableBeats
the amount of beats that are available for the specific user.
int connectedNodes
the amount of Users connected to the main.