QGIS plugin to make O.GIS - Open Source WebGIS, starting from your current QGIS project.
Made with OpenLayers, it replicates as many aspects of the project as it can, including layers, styles (categorized, graduated and svg icon) and other. No server-side software required.
Born from the qgis2web repository, it enhances the openlayers export.
🎁 Donate a coffee to support the development of qgis2web and O.GIS, and receive qgis2o.gis as a gift 🎁
Demo at https://www.opengis.it/qgis2o-gis/
See O.GIS Knowledge base at https://www.opengis.it/docs/
qgis2web | qgis2o.gis |
measure length / area | measure length /area / radius |
search address | search address, locate with GPS |
search for feature data | search for multi-feature data |
basic popup | advanced browsable popup with current geometry highlighting |
basic layerswitcher | advanced layerswitcher with transparency / zoom extension / move layers / legend / reduced themes / automatic open-close based on monitor size |
scalebar | scalebar and scale-control |
single symbology / categorized / graduated / svg / raster also in bands | single symbology / categorized and merged / graduated / svg also base64 / raster also in bands |
basic browser printing | advanced printing, orientation customization, sheet size, margins, legend, north, scale, title |
- | logo and title |
- | integration with ol-ext and jquery libraries |
- | increase openlayers library version from 3 to 6.15.1 |
- | coordinates in different crs on mouse move |
- | bookmarks (zoom in selected areas e.g. neighborhoods) |
- | label repetition along a linear path |
- | drawing tools |
- | overview map (navigable mini map) |
- | permalink (shareable link to the displayed map) |
- | permalink query feature (shareable link to query a specific feature) |
- | google streetview |
- | descriptive sidebar divided into tabs, graphics optimized for smartphones |
- | dedicated query for wms layer |
The Pro version is like the Full version with added ones:
Please report any problems you have with qgis2o.gis . Without this feedback, I am often completely unaware that a problem exists. To ensure no time or effort is wasted in bug reporting, please follow these steps:
- Make sure you are using the latest release of plugin
- Check the issues on Github to see whether the bug has already been reported, and if so, read through all the comments on the issue, and add any additional information from your experience of the bug
- Make sure you can reproduce the bug reliably
- Reduce the complexity of your bug conditions as far as you can, especially by reducing the number of layers, ideally to one
- Raise a Github issue, including:
- only one bug per Github issue
- the plugin version
- any Python error text/stack trace which occurs
- browser JS console errors - press F12 in browser to open the developer toolbar and find the console
- screenshot of your settings
- screenshot of the output
- a link to the data you used, if possible
The stability of qgis2o.gis relies on your bug reports, so please keep them coming.
qgis2o.gis was born as a branch of the qgis2web repository, for OpenLayers export only, and adds many improvements and features.
Special thanks go to the creators of qgis2web: Tom Chadwin, Riccardo Klinger, Victor Olaya, Nyall Dawson and to all the users of github.com, stackoverflow.com and gis.stackexchange.com
- @tomchadwin
- @volaya
- @riccardoklinger
- @pcav
All of this could not exist without the following monumental software:
- OpenLayers
Thanks are also due for major code contributions of qgis2web, to:
- @akbargumbira
- @lucacasagrande
- @walkermatt
- @boesiii
- @ThomasG77
- @NathanW2
- @nyalldawson (FTP export for Faunalia/ENEL)
- @perliedman
- @olakov
In addition, the following libraries have been used for qgis2web:
- bridge-style, by @volaya
- ol3-layerswitcher, by @walkermatt
- Autolinker.js, by @gregjacobs
- requestAnimationFrame polyfill, by @paulirish
- Function.prototype.bind polyfill, by @mozilla
- Proj4js, by @madair, @calvinmetcalf, and other
- ol3-search-layer, by @ThomasG77
- OSMBuildings, by @kekscom
- rbush, by @mourner
- Labelgun, by @JamesMilnerUK