ReVox v0.2
Due to the amount of changes in the backend, all existing hotkeys will have to be re-added/configured. Sorry for the inconvenience.
New Features:
- Added a Modifier Key that can be rebinded, used to record over pre-existing clips in real time
- Added a "Delete" button for soundboard hotkeys
- Added "Device-Specific Hotkeys" for people with multiple keyboards to use
- Changed to use RawInput instead of Windows Low-Level Hooks, to hopefully not be flagged by anti-viruses, and also give us the (future) option of "blocking" hotkey inputs
- Added more coverage to the onboarding process
- UI has been overhauled for a cleaner look
- Code has been refactored for (hopefully) easier future development
- Split Reverb Wet/Dry
- Loading files should now work regardless of format, sample rate and number of channels
- Autotuner/Pitch-Shifter now more optimized, with less distortion