- bare metal kubernetes [v1.17]
- persistent volumes on Ceph [v14.2.8]
- load balancer for nginx with MetalLB [v0.8.2]
- grafana 6.6.2
- prometheus 2.16.0
- influxdb 1.7.9
kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f influxdb/
kubectl apply -f prometheus/
kubectl apply -f grafana/
Create the 'prometheus' database in the influxdb container.
Add your hosts to the prometheus configuration file (configmap).
Add your dashboards to grafana.
Add the prometheus datasource to grafana.
This project is an simplify example of the current stack. You will need to change the files to match your environment and system.
If you need any help pelase open an issue, and I will try to help you making this work.
This stack is currently working with +500 hosts, running the ceph_exporter, node_exporter, lustre_exporter, gpu_exporter, ...