Koneko is a fairly small, extensible IRC bot written in Haxe and compiled to neko. Configuration happens with simple plaintext or json files. Koneko can store "sessions". Right now, it's single-server only, so you have to run multiple Koneko instances for different servers, but Koneko respects this and writes to different files accordingly.
Plugins are arbitary, can be configured to do anything. See github/andor44/old_scraper for example.
Example config files can be found in the repo (test.conf and test.json)
Compile using: haxe -cp src -main Main -neko koneko.n Then run: neko koneko.n test.conf If you specified a claim password, you can claim it from the bot by messaging :claim
If you need support, contact me here on github, ask me in #koneko@freenode or feel free to support a pull request!
Licensed under the zlib/png license, I also won't refuse donations, lol
The code is undergoing a general overhaul, expect things to break at random.