ESS Site-specific EPICS module : ecmcPlugin_socketcan
This module adds some CAN support to ecmc based on SocketCAN:
This module have been tested with Kvaser Leaf Light v2 usb can interface. More info about how to setup this hardware can be found here:
This module have dependencies to:
Ensure that these two files are correct:
- configure/CONFIG_MODULE:
- configure/RELEASE:
The module is installed like any other e3 module by "make install":
make install
Now the module should be ready for use.
Like all ecmc plugins the plugin must be loaded into ecmc with the "loadPlugin.cmd" command. The loading is needed so that ecmc can link to the callbacks, plc functions and plc constants in the plugin.
The "loadPlugin.cmd" command basically takes three arguments:
PLUGIN_ID: This is just an index of the different plugins loaded into ecmc. So the first loaded plugin should have index 0.
FILE: Path to the "" file.
CONFIG: Plugin configuration string. See below for details
The configuration string contains startup configs for the plugin. Currentlly the below configurations can be specified in the CONFIG string:
DBG_PRINT=<1/0> : Enables/disables printouts from plugin, default = disabled (=0).
IF=<if name> : Sets can interface (example: can0, vcan0..).
CONNECT=<1/0> : Auto connect to if at startup, default = autoconnect (=1).
Also see "Plugin" chapter below for more information about the plugin.
Example of loading the plugin connecting to the "can0" interface:
## Load plugin:
A complete example can be found in the pmu905 repo where a R&S amplifier is interfaced using this module:
In order to access the templates in the plugin a "require" is needed in the startup script:
require ecmc_plugin_socketcan master
This module implements a few of the CANOpen functionalities (but it is far from a full CANOpen Implementation).
The current implemented features are:
Simple master:
LSS (basic)
NMT (Heartbeat, dev state)
Simple generic (slave) device
SDO segmented r/w
PDO r/w
These functionalities are configured through iocsh cmds:
Issueing "ecmcCANOpenAddMaster -h" in the iocsh you will get the following help printout:
ecmcCANOpenAddMaster -h
Use ecmcCANOpenAddMaster(<name>, <node id>,....)
<name> : Name of master device.
<node id> : CANOpen node id of master.
<LSS sample time ms> : Sample time for LSS.
<Sync sample time ms> : Sample time for SYNC.
<Heartbeat sample time ms> : Sample time for Heartbeat.
Example to add a master with LSS, sync, heartbeat sample time of 1s:
# Load status records for device
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_Dev.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,CH_ID=00,DEV_ID=0")
Note:: You can only have one master in each ioc (one call to "ecmcCANOpenAddMaster").
Issueing "ecmcCANOpenAddDevice -h" in the iocsh you will get the following help printout:
ecmcCANOpenAddDevice -h
Use ecmcCANOpenAddDevice(<name>, <node id>)
<name> : Name of device.
<node id> : CANOpen node id of device.
<NMT Heartbeat timeout ms> : Timeout for NMT Heartbeat.\n")
Example to add a device with node id 3 and a NMT heartbeat timeout of 3s:
# Load status records for device
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_Dev.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3")
Note:: You can only use the below commands (ecmcCANOpenAddSDO and ecmcCANOpenAddODO) to nodes of an existing device or master.
Issueing "ecmcCANOpenAddSDO -h" in the iocsh you will get the following help printout:
ecmcCANOpenAddSDO -h
ecmcCANOpenAddSDO( in the iocsh<name>, <node id>,.....)
<name> : Name of master device.
<node id> : CANOpen node id of device/master.
<cob id tx> : CANOpen cob id of Tx of slave SDO.
<cob id rx> : CANOpen cob id of Rx of slave SDO.
<dir> : Direction 1=write and 2=read.
<ODIndex> : OD index of SDO.
<ODSubIndex> : OD sub index of SDO.
<ODSize> : OS Siz
<readSampleTimeMs>: Sample time for read in ms (write is always on demand).
A few examples:
# Example read SDO from device, will be cyclically read at an intervall of 7000ms:
# Load record for SDO data
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_input.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},NELM=${NELM=1},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=AI03-Array,source=basicConfig,DTYP=asynInt8ArrayIn,FTVL=CHAR,NELM=7")
# Load record for SDO error
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_error.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=SDO01-AnalogValuesErr,source=analogValues")
# Example write SDO to device, will be written on demand (when write data from epics):
# Load record for SDO data
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_output.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},NELM=${NELM=1},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=BasicConfig,source=basicConfig,DTYP=asynInt8ArrayOut,FTVL=CHAR,NELM=7")
# Load record for SDO error
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_error.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=SDO02-BasicConfigErr,source=basicConfig")
Issueing "ecmcCANOpenAddPDO -h" in the iocsh you will get the following help printout:
ecmcCANOpenAddPDO -h
Use "ecmcCANOpenAddPDO(<name>, <node id>
<name> : Name of master device.
<node id> : CANOpen node id of device/master.
<cob id> : CANOpen cob id of PDO.
<dir> : Direction 1=write and 2=read.
<ODSize> : Size of PDO (max 8 bytes).
<readTimeoutMs> : Readtimeout in ms.
<writeCycleMs> : Cycle time for write (if <= 0 then only write on change).
An example:
# Read PDO, if not recived pdo within 10s the PDO object will go into error state:
# Load record for PDO data
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_input.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},NELM=${NELM=1},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=PDO01-Array,source=status,NELM=8")
# Load record for PDO error
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_error.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=PDO01-StatusErr,source=status")
The status of the CAN communication can be supervised by loading the "ecmcPluginSocketCAN_Com.template":
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_Com.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1")
# Will load:
The Connected Pv show if the plugin is connected to socketcan and the hardware. The ComErr Pv shows error codes for reads and writes to socketcan socket.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_Dev.template loads a NMT PV:
The PV tells wich state the device is in and can have the following values:
NMT_NOT_VALID : State not valid. Something is wrong.
NMT_BOOT_UP : Device is booting
NMT_STOPPED : Device is stopped
NMT_OP : Device is operational (this is the normal state when running the ioc).
NMT_PREOP : Device is in pre operational state
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_intput.template in used for input PDOS (data read from a device device to EPICS). The template only contains one PV that holds the data:
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_input.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=PDO01-Status_,source=status,NELM=8")
# Loads this PV:
The data PV is an waveform of type uchar and length NELM.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_output.template in used for output PDOS (data written from EPICS to device). The template only contains one PV that holds the data:
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_output.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=00,DEV_ID=0,suffix=PDO01-Reset_, source=reset,NELM=8")
# Loads this PV:
The data PV is an waveform of type uchar and length NELM.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_error.template in used to read the PDO error code.
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PDO_error.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=00,DEV_ID=0,suffix=PDO01-ResetErr,source=reset")
# Loads this PV:
An error could for example be that the PDO data have not been recived within the correct time frame (readTimeoutMs). The PDO is in error state if the error code is not 0.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_intput.template in used for input SDOS (data read from a device device to EPICS). The template only contains one PV that holds the data:
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_input.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=SDO01-AnalogValues_, source=analogValues,DTYP=asynInt16ArrayIn,FTVL=SHORT,NELM=28")
# Loads this PV:
The data PV is an waveform of type uchar and length NELM.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_output.template in used for output SDOS (data written from EPICS to device). The template only contains one PV that holds the data:
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_output.template,"P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=SDO02-BasicConfig_, source=basicConfig,DTYP=asynInt8ArrayOut,FTVL=UCHAR,NELM=7")
# Loads this PV:
The data PV is an waveform of type uchar and length NELM.
The ecmcPluginSocketCAN_PSO_error.template in used to read the SDO error code.
dbLoadRecords(ecmcPluginSocketCAN_SDO_error.template, "P=${ECMC_PREFIX},PORT=${ECMC_ASYN_PORT},ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,T_SMP_MS=${ECMC_SAMPLE_RATE_MS},TSE=${ECMC_TSE},CH_ID=03,DEV_ID=3,suffix=SDO02-BasicConfigErr,source=basicConfig")
# Loads this PV:
An error could for example be that the SDO data have not been recived within the correct time frame or slave is not reposning like it should. The SDO is in error state if the error code is not 0.
Plugin report printout:
Plugin info:
Index = 0
Name = ecmcPlugin_socketcan
Description = SocketCAN plugin for use with ecmc.
Option description =
DBG_PRINT=<1/0> : Enables/disables printouts from plugin, default = disabled (=0).
IF=<if name> : Sets can interface (example: can0, vcan0..).
CONNECT=<1/0> : Auto connect to if at startup, default = autoconnect (=1).
Filename = /home/dev/epics/base-7.0.4/require/3.4.0/siteMods/ecmc_plugin_socketcan/master/lib/linux-x86_64/
Config string = IF=vcan0;DBG_PRINT=1;
Version = 2
Interface version = 65536 (ecmc = 65536)
max plc funcs = 64
max plc func args = 10
max plc consts = 64
Construct func = @0x7fb36b81d310
Enter realtime func = @0x7fb36b81d220
Exit realtime func = @0x7fb36b81d230
Realtime func = @0x7fb36b81d270
Destruct func = @0x7fb36b81d240
dlhandle = @0xa45a50
Plc functions:
Name = "can_connect();"
Desc = double can_connect() : Connect to can interface (from config str).
Arg count = 0
func = @0x7fb36b81d280
Name = "can_connected();"
Desc = double can_connected() : Connected to can interface.
Arg count = 0
func = @0x7fb36b81d2a0
Name = "can_add_write(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);"
Desc = double can_add_write(canId,len,data0..data7) : Add write frame to can interface output buffer.
Arg count = 10
func = @0x7fb36b81d2e0
Name = "can_last_writes_error();"
Desc = double can_last_writes_error() : get error from last writes.
Arg count = 0
func = @0x7fb36b81d2c0
Plc constants:
This module implements an asub record that can merge bytes into an array (waveform)
Link bytes to inputs A..S.
Link array to VALA.
Set size of output in NOVA. This also defines how many inputs will be used.
Note: Max 18 bytes (input A..S) will be merged into the array.
EPICS database example of 7 bytes merged intio an array:
record(aSub, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-BasicConfigPackArray_") {
field(INAM, "ecmcByteToArrayInit")
field(SNAM, "ecmcByteToArray")
field(FTA, "UCHAR")
field(NOA, "1")
field(INPA, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-BasicConfigB0_.VAL") # Byte 0
field(FTB, "UCHAR")
field(NOB, "1")
field(INPB, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-VrefPwrCmdCalcB1_.VAL") # Byte 1
field(FTC, "UCHAR")
field(NOC, "1")
field(INPC, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-VrefPwrCmdCalcB2_.VAL") # Byte 2
field(FTD, "UCHAR")
field(NOD, "1")
field(INPD, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-VdcCtrlCmdCalcB3_.VAL") # Byte 3
field(FTE, "UCHAR")
field(NOE, "1")
field(INPE, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-VdcCtrlCmdCalcB4_.VAL") # Byte 4
field(FTF, "UCHAR")
field(NOF, "1")
field(INPF, "0") # Byte 5
field(FTG, "UCHAR")
field(NOG, "1")
field(INPG, "0") # Byte 6
field(FTVA, "UCHAR")
field(OUTA, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-SDO02-BasicConfig")
field(NOVA, "7") # 7 bytes (0..6 corresponds to input A..G)
field(FLNK, "$(P)CAN${CH_ID}-SDO02-BasicConfig.PROC") # Send the data
You can use a virtual can, vcan network for testing:
Install can utils:
$ git clone
$ cd can-utils
$ make
$ make install
Start virt can 0 (vcan0) and candump:
$ sudo modprobe vcan
$ sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan
$ sudo ip link set up vcan0
$ candump vcan0
candump will start to printout the raw can meassages on vcan0 network.
In future it could be an option to use one of these repos for the CANOpen support: