I know there is a lot of repositories with the same application,🌝 but this is specific important to me, because this was a application that i learned a lot of things about there technologies.😍🥰
What can i say about this project? ... I realy liked to reproduce it, because this application opened my mind to a lof of things that i wasn't looking for! This aplication was build during the second #NEXT LEVEL WEEK of RocketSeat. Thank you RocketSeat to give me all of this knowledge! Let's go for the #NEXT LEVEL!🚀😎
git clone https://github.com/andersonarorjdev/Proffy.git
yarn install
yarn run
👤 Andersonarorjdev
- Website: https://andersonarorjdev.github.io
- Twitter: @andersonarorjdev
- Github: @andersonarorjdev
- LinkedIn: @andersonarorjdev
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Copyright © 2020 Andersonarorjdev.
This project is MIT licensed.