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Releases: anaseto/harmonist
Releases · anaseto/harmonist
- A new field of view algorithm (symmetric shadow casting combined with the
previous custom one) that should offer a better stealthy experience thanks to
expanding shadows and less permissive vision in general. - Overhaul of the user interface and a lot of polishing. Among most noticeable
changes for players, description for items and places is now displayed just
by examining them, without requiring an additional keypress, and using the
mouse does not force examination mode for keyboard anymore. - Improved Replay (arrow up and down moves 1 minute forward/backward).
- New SDL driver that replaces the Tk one as graphical native driver.
- Many minor bug fixes (including some minor gameplay tweaks).
Packaging notes: the game now uses the gruid library. This means that for the
terminal version it will use the tcell go library, and for graphical
applications the SDL library.
- Improved monster AI: now they remember you!
- Limited number of charges for magaras: you'll have to adapt your playstyle.
- New core mechanic: jump by propulsing against walls!
- Improved map generation and special events (mist and earthquake)
- 2 new terrain features: fake stairs and queen rock that amplifies sound.
- 4 new monsters, a new cloak, 6 new magaras and 2 old ones reworked, and
More detailed list:
- Improve monster AI: now they behave differently after they have spotted you
at least once. Exact behavior depends on the type of monster, but they all
have a chance of exploring around the last place they saw you at, in addition
to their normal duties. - Magaras now have a maximum number of charges, to avoid spamming of a single
magara. - You can now jump 2 or 3 tiles away by propulsing yourself against walls,
which leaves you exhausted for a few turns, as the usual over monster jumps.
A significant buff for acrobatics cloak! - Greatly improve and diversify map generation, in particular the tunnel
generation algorithm used for all kind of maps. - New special events: mist level and earthquake.
- New special map layouts more or less urbanised than the common ones.
- Many new special rooms.
- New terrain feature: fake stairs (harmonic illusions).
- New terrain feature: queen rock, special terrain that amplifies sound, so
that even so you're usually very silent, your footsteps on such rocks will be
heard. One more use for levitation magara! - New unique monster: Crazy Imp that sings and plays guitar, attracting
unwanted attention. - New monster: haze cat, with very good night vision.
- New monster: spiders, with panoramic vision and confusing bite.
- New monster: acid mounds, whose bite corrodes magara charges.
- Satowalga plants acidic projectiles may now corrode your magara charges,
instead of slowing you. - New cloak of conversion, that generates MP from lost HP.
- New magara of energy that replenishes HP and MP, but only has one charge.
- New magara of transparency that makes you transparent (visible only to
adjacent monsters) when standing of a lighted cell. - New magara of delayed noise: it will produce harmonic noise in your current
position after a certain number of turns. - New magara of disguise: it will disguise you with illusions into a guard, so
that most monsters that are not already chasing you will be friendly (except
some monsters with good flair). - New special magara of dispersal that makes monster hitting you blink away.
- New special magara of delayed oric explosion that generates a big oric
explosion that destroys walls in a wide area. - Remove player and monster speed: a turn is now always 1, no half turns.
- Replace magara of slowing with magara of paralysis, a stronger but shorter
variation on lignification (may change in the future). - Rework magara of swiftness to give several “free” moves, which is more
intuitive than previous behavior. - New potion items: they have an on-drink effect when you move onto them. You
cannot carry them. - Some monsters now have resistances/counter against some effects: satowalga
plants and tree mushrooms cannot be lignified, blinking frogs partially
reflect teleportation effects (they teleport but you too), haze cats have
shallow sleep (they wake up very fast after falling asleep). - Improved magical stone placement, and chances of getting a particular kind of
stone may depend on whether it's inside or outside a building. - Display number of remaining turns for monsters statuses too.
- Various balance adjustments, like 1 more HP and MP, but less bananas,
encouraging better strategic play. - Fix/improve many animations.
- Fix bug which could lead to negative number of bananas when jumping into
chasm. - Fix rare bug when blinking to the same place.
- Make “x” key work in key settings menu too.
- Minor UI/messages/stats improvements and other miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Many new special room shapes.
- Much improved story timeline in character game statistics.
- Add effect duration in magara description when possible.
- Improved fullscreen support with F11 in browser version.
- New tile for extinguished lights, and improved tile for doors.
- Handle window closing gracefully in Tk version.
First release of Harmonist: Dayoriah Clan Infiltration.
- Short coffee-break runs (around half an hour).
- 8 levels deep dungeon (+ 3 optional levels), 3 distinct map generators, 19
monsters, 6 magical cloaks, 6 magical amulets, and 16 magaras (evokable
magical items). - Both graphical tiles (web or Tk) and terminal ASCII versions. Animations.
Simple controls. Mouse support. Mouse-friendly 100x26 layout, and
traditional compact 80x24 layout. Automatic recording for later replay. - Light and noise stealth mechanics. Monster footsteps can be heared.
- A main story narrative, and many short lore texts.
- No XP, no upstairs, no automatic regeneration, no grinding/farming.
- Fully destructible terrain (wall destruction, foliage fire).
- Simplified inventory management (e.g. no more than one cloak or amulet).
- Many terrain features: dense foliage, doors, tables, barrels, windows, holes
in the walls, trees, chasm, … - 9 distinct magical stones that may be activated once with some special
magical effect.