A Java utility project to covert your Swagger file to AWS API Gateway JSON
Steps to deploy to API Gateway
- Checkout the utility project, SwaggerToAPIGateway
- There are two configurations in the project, please select the environment and module you want to import to API Gateway
- Env env = Env.QA;
- Module moduleSelected = Module.A;
- Save latest Swagger file to your utility project
- For example QA/A, Save with file name input/QA_A_document.json
- Run the application (App.java) and you can see a new files created in your utility folder
- output/QA_A_document_gateway.json
- Make sure to commit the latest version of JSON files in your utility proj input folder Import the json file to your AWS API Gateway
Steps to import JSON file to API Gateway
- Select API Gateway service
- Import with Overwrite
- Actions - Deploy API
- Stage and description
- Select Stage
- Add deployment description
- Navigate to Stages page
- Verify the Stage variable is correct