- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (OSTEP)
- I am currently reading it with Akshat's book club but I have fallen behind after reading the first part of the book due to my internship at Activepieces and university.
- Database Design & Implemenation
- I am currently reading it with some of the database industry experts in the Software Internals book club. Also, I am implementing tasks in SimpleDB educational database in Java. I have fallen behind after more than half of the book. Soon, I will continue reading with the Database Internals book club.
- Learning Go
- I was learning Go from this book.
- Node.js Design Patterns
- A Node.js book about design patterns, writing modules, asynchronous programming, Scalability, Architectural Patterns & Advanced Node.js topics. I read ths book when I was starting out my backend development learning journey. IMO, this is the goto source to learn Node.js and gain practical knowledge.
- System Design Interview
- A book about system design in which the writers show a process of designing many systems at large scale. I actually used some of the concepts and architectural decisions mentioned in the book in my backend internship.
- Database Internals: A Deep Dive into How Distributed Data Systems Work
- The first half of the book explores storage classification, and dive into B-Tree-based and immutable Log Structured storage engines. It explains how database files are organized to build efficient storage, using auxiliary data structures such as Page Cache, Buffer Pool and Write-Ahead Log. The book covers implementations of different techniques and optimizations used in real database systems like PostgreSQL, MySQL & Apache Cassandra. I only read the first half since the second half explores distributed databases which I will read after studying distributed systems. I read it with a private book club consisting of expert software engineers and architects. We grouped together every week over a zoom call to discuss book chapters.
- Fundamentals of Database Systems
- I used this database textbook to study relational database theory while studying the Datbase Modeling & Theory course from Stanford University.