integrate yii with codeigniter, to enable using yii awesome grid view inside codeigniter projects
This project uses Yii 1.1.15, and CodeIgniter 2.2.0
I have searched for a good codeigniter grid "googled: best codeigniter grid" widget to use in a project that I was assigned to maintain it, but after awhile it was obvious that I will not find what I am searching for, ... coming from a Yii background I was searching for a non existing thing ... actually Yii's out of the box grid widget is one of the its best features, and one of the best grid widgets I have seen ever, also it has some awesome extensions developed by CleverTech, see, so I have decided to use it in my CI project,
I have spent some time to allow this work, but here we are, it is working perfect, this is the steps to do this:
- add application/classes [app, yii, booster(if you want to use it)]
- in YiiBase.php
- change the function
to let theelse
of theif(self::$enableIncludePath===false) { ... code ... } else { /* do nothing */ }
- comment the line before the last line to prevent using Yii's auto loader
// spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase','autoload'))
- change the function
- create application/classes/autoloader.php [be sure path is writable for the map]
- add the classes CIWebController, and CIUrlManager
- in index before require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php';
- require auto loader, and yii.php
- init a yii app and note
- 'basePath' => APPPATH,
- config db component with your settings
- config urlManger class to CIUrlManager, and do not forget to add the 3 basic rules
- config assetManager basePath, and baseUrl
- add any components you may need
- $yii_app->controller = new CIWebController('dummy');
- add the MY_URI class that extends the ci CI_URI and change _detect_uri() last line
- add the MY_Loader that extends CI_Loader
- in MY_Loader add the functions yii_view(), and widget()
- in your view use $this->load->widget('CGridView', []);