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Build Documentation

Deniz Deli edited this page Jan 9, 2025 · 5 revisions

Build and technical documentation

Software architecture description

Using docker

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change directory:

     cd ./amos2024ws02-backup-metadata-analyzer/
  3. Setup .env files:

     cp .env.docker.example .env.docker
  4. Copy database dump into project:

    Copy the database dump .dmp file in the projects root folder and rename it to db_dump.sql

  5. Clean Docker node_modules:

    docker volume rm amos2024ws02-backup-metadata-analyzer_mono-node-modules
  6. Build Docker container:

     docker compose --env-file .env.docker build --no-cache
  7. Start Docker container:

     docker compose --env-file .env.docker up
  8. Stop Docker Container:

     docker compose --env-file .env.docker down

Local setup


Make sure the following are installed on your machine:

  • Node 20
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Basic setup:

npm ci
cd ./apps/analyzer/metadata_analyzer ; poetry install
  • npm ci: dependency install

  • copy .env.example file in backend and rename to .env (adjust database properties according to database setup if necessary)

  • copy .env.example file in analyzer and rename to .env (adjust port properties according to backend setup if necessary)

Running the code locally:

  • npm run be: run backend individually
  • npm run fe: run frontend individually
  • npm run py : run python app
  • npm run all: run backend, frontend and python module

Starting the databases alongside:

  • docker compose --env-file .env.docker up analyzerDatabase backendDatabase

Generating database migrations:

  • the entity files need to be annotated with @Entity(<table-name>)
  • append the entity file to the entities array in db-config.service.ts
  • run the following command to generate a migration file:
    • nx run metadata-analyzer-backend:migrations:generate --name <migration-name>
  • append the generated file to the migrations array in db-config.service.ts

Running tests

  • backend: nx run metadata-analyzer-backend:test
  • frontend: nx run metadata-analyzer-frontend:test
  • python: nx run metadata-analyzer:test


Fill the .env file with the mailing information Hint: For gmail you have to generate an app password, which you have to use as password in the .env file For changes in templates being used, you have to restart the backend

Installing new dependencies

in python app

When working with python dependencies, first cd into the analyzer folder.

Install a new dependency

poetry add <dependency-name>

Remove a dependency

poetry remove <dependency-name>