- ChatGPT/CoPilot
- StackOverflow etc
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_carpet
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_triangle
- Recursion! https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/pythonds/Recursion/pythondsSierpinskiTriangle.html
- There are variety of implementation of those algorithms =)
Write a Java program to draw Triangle as below.
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Implement a Java program to generate and display a Sierpinski Carpet using recursion. The provided code gives you a starting point with a function drawSierpinskiCarpet that takes two parameters - order and size. The order determines the level of recursion, and size sets the size of the carpet. The program initializes a 2D char array representing the carpet, fills it with empty spaces, and then populates it with '*' characters based on the Sierpinski pattern.
Output for drawSierpinskiCarpet(3, 27)
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Write a Java program to draw a Sierpinski Triangle Implement the drawSierpinskiTriangle function that takes an integer parameter n representing the order of the triangle. The function should draw an equilateral triangle of size 2^n - 1 using '*' characters. The triangle should be centered in the console. The program should have a main method to demonstrate the function.
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