A GUI for browsing ledger-cli files and importing CSV bank statements.
Targets the desktop, but should run on mobile / web as well.
A web version is available as a demo: https://amos-joshua.github.io/ledger_gui_website/
This version is entirely self-contained and runs purely on the clientside (there is no backend, no data is sent off the device). The preferences file is stored in client-local storage.
You can use the sample preferences, ledger and csv import from the samples directory to test the app.
On first run of the app, select a preferences file (see samples/ledger-preferences.json). Then (if necessary, e.g. on web) select a ledger file.
The preferences file is a json file containing a hash with the following structure:
- defaultLedgerFile: the default ledger file to load at startup (ignored in the browser)
- defaultCsvImportDirectory: the initial folder for the open-file dialog for imports (ignored in the browser)
- csvFormats: a list of hashes, each of which describes how to parse csv files from a different bank, with the following keys:
- name
- dateColumnIndex: column number of the transaction's date in the CSV file (first column has index 0)
- descriptionColumnIndex: column number of the transaction's description in the CSV file
- amountColumnIndex: column number of the amount in the CSV file
- dateFormat: format of the transaction's date, e.g.
- numberFormat: format of the transaction's amount, eg.
- locale: locale for interpreting the description fields, e.g.
- lineSkip: number of lines to skip at the beginning of a CSV file. Useful for skipping headers
- valueSeparator: field separator in the CSV file, usually
- quoteCharacter: if non-empty, this character is stripped from the beginning and end of each field (if present)
- importAccounts: a list of hashes, each of which describes an account into which CSV statements may be imported, with the following keys:
- label
- sourceAccount: the (ledger-cli) account into which the transactions will be imported, e.g.
- currency: the currency used by this account, e.g.
- format: the name of a CSV format defined in the same preferences file
- defaultDestinationAccount: the (ledger-cli) account to assign to imported transactions for which no destination account is specified, e.g.
Ledger_gui allows automatically matching transactions in csv statements to accounts. Matching strings are specified as comma-separated quoted substrings in a comment after the account definition in the ledger file, for example:
account Expenses:restaurants # "FALAFEL", "PIZZA"
will cause any transactions with FALAFEL
in their
description to be matched to the Expenses:restaurants
account (the
matching is case insensitive).
This is not part of the ledger-cli format, but a custom extension implemented by ledger_gui.
flutter run