Play the famous Chrome Dinosaur game using your body!
Just found this small demo that i've made a long time ago while learning p5.js with PoseNet, the demo is working so fare but not yet completed, I decided to share the current version till getting an opportunity to terminate it!
Please feel free to fork, open pull requests, and play around.
You will be able to play the chrom offline dinosaur game using two options :
- Eyes π, by choosing the first radio button ( default one ).
- Shoulders πββοΈ, by choosing the second radio button radio button.
1 - Wait for camera and Loading message to complete.
2 - Choose your option! Once a radio button is choosed a yellow small circle will be switched between the middle of your eyes or shoolders distance.
3 - Use the range slider to configure your top and down height (depending on your distance of camera)
4 - As the message says, "Model Loaded,now jump to start", once your jump (shoulders) or move up your head (eyes) over the top line the tirex will jump too to start the game.
When the circle is over the top line the tirex will jump, and when it's under the bottom line the tirex will look down (Duck mode)
The trex runner game is extracted from chrome offline err page @source, you can find more in this repo! π .