This are the scripts that we use to enroll chromebooks from Rubber Ducky
- Rubber Ducky
- Computer with text editor
- Chromebook to enroll
- Admin account or with enrollment permissions.
- 2 minutes
- Open the script from Encoder folder.
- Edit the text and replace the SSID and wireless password, account and account password to enroll.
- Compiling the with the Jar or Web Tool Script to a binary file.
- Open the Rubber ducky and save the script in SD card form inside, once saved the script, reclosing the USB.
- Turn the Chromebook and wait the first screen
- Insert the Rubber ducky and let enrolls alone.
- Once enrolled in the Chromebook, disconnect the Rubber Ducky and turn off the Chromebook.
The Rubber Ducky is a USB device that simulates a keyboard and executes a sequence of keystrokes previously set in a script. The script must change the parameters:
- WIFI_SSID: wireless SSID
- WIFI_SSID_Password_network: network password
- EnrollmentEmail@domain.com_: Email administrator or user with privileges for enrollment:
- _EnrollmentEmail_Password_email: password
To compile the binary file just run this from encoder folder:
$ java -jar encoder.jar -l resources/ -i script.txt -o inject.bin
- is the config for keyboard (US)
- script.txt is input file
- inject.bin is outpu file
OR You can use Web App Compiler