A pet project for collecting and monitoring sensor data around my house.
- Adafruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266
- DHT11
- BME680
- HC-SR04
- Adafruit C libraries
- Mosquitto MQTT Broker
- Telegraf
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
- Django
- Postgres
docker-compose up
docker exec -it broker sh
mosquitto_pub -V mqttv311 -h localhost -d -t TOPIC -m "PAYLOAD"
example topics (WIP):
- technodrome/ROOM/SENSOR
- technodrome/hallway/bme680
- technodrome/basement/dht11
example payloads (WIP):
- technodrome,location=HALLWAY,sensor=BME680,unit=*C,type=temperature value=29.25
- technodrome,location=ATTIC,sensor=DHT11,unit=*F,type=temperature value=81.86
- technodrome,location=BASEMENT,sensor=BME680,unit=hpa,type=pressure value=972.80
- technodrome,location=BASEMENT,sensor=BME680,unit=%,type=humidity value=42.76
- technodrome,location=BASEMENT,sensor=BME680,unit=KOhms,type=voc value=194.70
- technodrome,location=BASEMENT,sensor=BME680,unit=m,type=altitude value=342.27
Persistence: The payload example above will afford that telegraf will write to the technodrome database and table. The columns will reflect: location, sensor, topic, type(measuring), unit and value
docker exec -it influxdb sh
use technodrome
select * from technodrome
esptool.py --baud 460900 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20210202-v1.14.bin
ampy --port COM3 --baud 115200 put devices/mp/main.py
picocom /dev/ttyS3 -b115200
Initialize DB:
python3 manage.py migrate
Initialize SuperUser Account:
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
height(in) | diameter(in) | volume(in^3) | Gallons | |
Total | 22 | 18 | 5598.32 | 24.24 |
Pre-Pump | 6 | 18 | 1526.81 | 6.61 |
Post-Pump | 2 | 18 | 508.94 | 2.21 |
Delta | 1,017.87 | 4.41 |
- not accounting for existing pump displacement
-Coming soon or never!