!! IMPORTANT !! Please read the following: Before the program is ran in the terminal, the OKCupid search params MUST be set in the browser! The program's new browser instances know nothing of your cached settings.
EDIT(2021-07-15): THe source code for websites change and this repo was built awhile ago. It couold be that the program might not work anymore. If this is the case then you just need to get those hands of yours a little dirty since I laid out most of the ground work.
Example usage:
gentoo@gentoo:~/Python/OKCupidSearch$ python src/okcupidsearch.py -eexample@email.com -ppassword -kMike
You will need a copy of the firefox webdriver and that can be found HERE or download them from the bin/firefox folder.
Chrome's drivers can be found HERE or download them from the bin/chrome folder.
A video demo can be found HERE.