This tutorial was created for educational purposes and was presented at a Workshop organised by Dollar Education.
Interested in exploring more applications of the RNASeq, Read here
Want to adjust for tumour purity Check
The R script performs several steps in RNAseq gene differential expression analysis, including filtering, preprocessing, visualization, clustering, and Enrichment. For the analysis, several R Bioconductor packages are required to be installed (Installation commands are provided in the script. However, users can also refer to the Bioconductor website for detailed instructions).
DESeq2, edgeR, biomaRt (Very useful for gene filtering and annotations), PCAtools (PCA detailed analysis), ReactomePA (enrichment analysis)
RNA-Seq-DGE.R is the R script.
RNA-Seq-DGE.rmd used to create an output of the script shown in the PDF file here.
No significant enrichment was found from the demo example, so enrichment plots are empty or commented.
If data is obtained by different batch processing please consider ~batch (batch effect in the design matrix) or use CombatSeq as defined in the new script.
You should have a raw count and annotation/metadata file for running this analysis. Raw count files are usually obtained from tools such as featureCount, Rsem etc.
setwd("/Users/Path") #Path_to_working_directory
rawcount<-read.table ("RawCount_input.csv",header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names=1)
## Replace NAs by zero and change the input to the required format
rawcount <- round(rawcount)
rawcount[] <- 0
Loading and filtering Data annotation file
anno <-read.table ("Annotation_of_samples_12_Samples_ALL.csv",header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names = 1) ##, In this case, we have 3 columns (a) sample (b) Condition (c) batch
#rownames(anno) <- anno$sample ##add row names as sample name (if not already), because PCA function check row names of anno == col of the data matrix
library('dplyr') ##HAS COUNT FUNCTION
### In case you want to consider the subset of samples based on some condition (when multiple e.g. >3 )
#anno <- anno %>%
# %>%
# filter(anno$Condition =='Condition_A' |anno$Condition =='Condition_B' | anno$Condition == 'Condition_C' ) %>%
# arrange(Condition) #Arrange rows by padj values
sort anno based on condition ## sorted conditional sample representation in heatmap
anno <- anno %>% %>%
PCA plot for pre-DE investigation
anno <- anno[match(colnames(rawcount), anno$Sample),] ## reordering anno rows with colnames of rawcount
lograwcount <- as.matrix(log2(rawcount +1)) ## log transformation of rawcount for PCA plot
top1000.order <- head(order(matrixStats::rowVars(lograwcount), decreasing = TRUE), 1000) ## taking top 1000 genes having the highest variance selected from all the genes in the input
p <- PCAtools::pca(mat = lograwcount[top1000.order,], metadata = anno, removeVar = 0.01) ## performing PCA
biplot(p, #visualization of PCA plot
lab = paste0(p$metadata$Sample),
colby = 'Batch', #Sample #Batch #Condition #sex
hline = 0, vline = 0,
legendPosition = 'right',
encircle = T )
screeplot(p, axisLabSize = 18, titleLabSize = 22) ## This plot shows how much variation in the data is explained by which PC component.
pairsplot(p) ## draw various combinations of the PCA plot
Explore about different normalization methods here
Other emerging bulk RNASeq applications
In case you have any queries please feel free to contact for any other queries.