Welcome to the SubscriBite mobile app frontend repository! This repository contains the code for the frontend of the SubscriBite mobile application, which allows users to discover and manage their subscriptions for various food items.
This app was created as a part of our Computer Science Master's project at the University of California, Irvine (2022-2023).
- User authentication: Users can create an account, log in, and log out to access their personalized subscription information. Login and registration is handled using Firebase, which shares information with our backend.
- Subscription management: Users can view their active subscriptions, add new subscriptions, modify existing subscriptions, and cancel subscriptions.
- Home screen: Users can see a curated list of food items available for subscription, browse through categories, and add items to their subscription with a quantiry, frequency, and timeslot of their choice.
- Calendar integration: Users can view their subscription schedule on a calendar and modify a particular day's order through a quick edit feature.
- Account settings: Users can update their profile details, change their password, and manage their account preferences. They can also view all their current subscriptions and easily modify or unsubscribe from them.
- React Native: The frontend of the SubscriBite mobile app is built using the React Native framework, which allows for cross-platform development.
- Expo: Expo is used as a development toolchain and platform for building, testing, and deploying the React Native app.
- React Navigation: The app utilizes React Navigation library for handling navigation between screens and creating navigational components like tabs and stacks.
- AsyncStorage: AsyncStorage is used for secure storage of user authentication tokens and other persistent data.
- Axios: Axios is used to make HTTP requests to the SubscriBite backend API for fetching and updating subscription data.